
期待已久的MacBook Air更新到来,带来了全新的英特尔酷睿i5处理器、升级了的视网膜显示屏以及众多其他更新。发布于2018年11月7日。

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MacBook not working after battery replacement

The keyboard and trackpad work fine on my laptop but when powering it on it takes ages to load, is super slow, and won’t open any applications. The backgrounds also appear completely grey. I double checked and it’s the right battery for my model.

I’ve reset the SMC and tried to boot into Apple diagnostics but after entering my wifi password it loaded infinitely. I need help asap.

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check if trackpad cable is connected properly. use iStat menus to check if you have some issue with temp sensors.




It sounds like the battery might not be fully connected. When connecting the battery to its socket on the logic board it can sometimes be difficult and require some force to fully insert it. The edge of the battery plug should be flush with its connector on the board. In my experience this is almost always the cause of such symptoms after a battery replacement on this model. Good luck!


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