
苹果官方于2015年9月25日正式发售iPhone6S A1688/A1633机型。 此机型的修理方式与先前几代差不多, 需要螺丝起子及撬棍工具。 同时也适用GSM or CDMA/16, 64 or 123 GB/ 银色, 金色, 深空灰色, 玫瑰金色等机型。

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Backlight on but no image

Hai guys

I have an iPhone 6s, it has been getting this issue in which the phones backlight is on but there is no image. I can say that the backlight is on because there is little water on the screen which entered through the silent switch but it worked fine for almost an year but now it has been blank but the phone works, it vibrates powers on etc. this happend many weeks ago but last week suddenly it worked and while charging from 0 I tried maximum to keep the screen on and booted it, it worked fine but as I kept the screen on for a lot, it looked as if ghosting images was appearing so thought of turning it off by simply pressing the power button. Then I clicked the home button and boom, nothing was there, only that white spot on the side of the screen near the silent switch was there. Rn the phone display is removed, please help me

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Most likely, the LCD display is broken. You can follow this guide to replace it: iPhone 6s 屏幕更换


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