
Repair guides and support for the Lenovo Ideapad 310-15IKB, a midrange consumer laptop released in 2016.

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Is this actually the maximum RAM for this system?

I have a Lenovo 310-15IKB, and I am trying to max out its specs. I see here that the max amount of RAM my system can handle is a whopping 20GB. However, Lenovo, the manufacturer, says in the manual for the system that it only supports 16GB. Which is the true maximum RAM?

My second question is a little complicated. The laptop has 4GB of DDR4 RAM soldered to it's motherboard, and it also has a RAM slot for removable RAM. I currently have a 4GB DDR4 RAM card put in the slot, bringing the total to 8GB. This means I currently have the benefit of Dual Channel support. If I buy a 16GB RAM stick and put it in that slot, bringing me to 20GB, will I still have Dual Channel support?

I am very technically experienced, so I can buy the right RAM and install it if I know the answer to these two questions. Thanks!

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Gosh, how many laptops do you have?


I have a LOT of computers and phones. I have a Toshiba NB305, a Lenovo Ideapad 310-15IKB, an HP 14-cf2112wm, a Late-2013 13" Macbook Air, a Late 2013 11" Macbook Air, a 2019 12.5" M1 Macbook Air. That is just the laptops, I have phones, tablets, calculators, MP3 Players, and desktop PCs as well. Also, I have spare parts to fix any problems on these machines that emerge as well, such as RAM cards, HDDs, disc/disk drives, and more.

EDIT: I currently have my eyes on getting a fairly old Macbook Pro, most likely one of the 15" Non-Unibody ones from the early 2000s.





@eucador Crucial has confirmed that this laptop can support 20GB RAM. Crucial confirms this by performing real world tests.

As for the memory, it should still support dual channel mode.





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