
苹果 iPhone 5s 于2013年9月10日公布。该设备的维修与以前的型号相似,需要螺丝刀和撬棒。可使用GSM或CDMA / 16、32或64 GB。颜色有银色、金色和太空灰。

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Will iPhone 5s work after damaged canera

Hello I'm currebtly repairing an old 5s that has memories on it. The ribbon cable to tge camera and the earphone got ripped off during its breakage when ny kids had it (I DONT KNOW LOL DONT ASK) I'm putting g it back together and just wondering will the iphone still work? (Like I said its old and stuff) I don't want to have to buy YET another part for this %#*@ thing

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Hi @falsepermit

Your iphone 5s Will work normally without the camera, but you will be unable to use the camera and software related to the camera and your phone software may warn you about it. I recommend you upload your data using a cable connection to your computer since you value that data on the phone and download it on another phone.

Curious to see what happens! Cheers!


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