
鉴定方式: 型号 M8541 / 5 或 10 GB 硬盘 / 转盘会旋转

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New battery not charging. Battery icon flashing on and off.

Not sure what else to do here. I replaced the battery in my 1st gen iPod and it still isn’t charging. Immediately after battery install, it showed the menu interface for a split second then said ‘No battery power remains’ and turned off. Fair enough new battery I thought and put it on charge. Stuck on large battery icon turning on and off every two seconds for an hour. Tried hard resetting and were in the menus, with the small battery icon in the top corner showing the first of the four bars flashing like mad. Decided to leave it like this all night. Woke up this morning to the ‘No battery power remains’ message flashing on and off rapidly. Turned the iPod off and on and now I’m stuck on the large battery icon turning off and on again… this also happens on my second gen 20GB. Last thing I can think of is that I use a black aftermarket FireWire cable along with the Apple wall charger. Could this be the issue? Any answers would be much appreciated.

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If you have an iPod which is a 3G or older [as yours is] you should use the included iPod FireWire 6-pin cable that it came with it. Avoid cheaper cables...they honestly can ruin your day when ya least suspect it 😠

Cheap cables can definitely be an issue. It may look just fine and may work for some things however won't cut it for others. I learned too with things in the past.

I don't mean to sound insulting here, however, did you ensure the new battery was indeed connected to the circuit board or harness? I have done things like that and was kind of embarrassed to admit it lol.

Also; if you have access to a DMM or DVM (digital multimeter) you can make sure the proper voltage is indeed present. MOST new batteries come partially charged if not fully and checking it should give you the indicated voltage as stated on the label or packaging.

Make sure iTunes is updated to the latest version and also make sure your connecting the cable to the Firewire port itself (preferably on the back of the PC if using one) and not an extension cable or muti port adapter.

It's possible your Firewire port has bit the bullet as well. I'm assuming you only have one (1) port for FW. You can always rule that in or out by trying to find another source [PC/laptop] with a 1394 port and plug it in and see.

If it is a Firewire port and it's a PC you can grab a 1394 PCI-E Firewire card to plug into your motherboard OR a USB to Firewire adapter cable for a laptop.

If it is a bad port, be sure to disable that port [if that option exists] from your BIOS/UEFI so it plays nice with a new one and disable it from within the Device Manager in Windows.

Let me know how ya make out. I have the schematics for your device on hand if need be - that is the very first model released back in 2001.


Tim Dickerson


RF Engineer, FutureNETSystems


得分 1


Hey mate thank you for the lengthy answer, I appreciate it. Turns out it was the wall charger.

I managed to score a 2008 iMac for pennies as my older computer with FireWire had long since died. As soon as I plugged the old first gen iPod into the iMac’s FireWire 400 port (with my aftermarket cable), I got an Apple logo and it fired to life, showing the ‘do not disconnect screen’ with the top right small battery icon charging properly.

If anyone runs into this very specific issue then this may be the cause. I will test my 2nd gen 20GB in a few hours and report back to see if it too is fixed.




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