Apple Watch series 6 44mm display failed. How to repair it?

Watch series 6 44mm display suddenly went black. Sound and haptics still work, but display is shot. No impact, cracks, or water exposure. How can I control the watch or repair it?

I engaged Apple Support via online Chat agent. Since there is no display capability, The agent requested to Reset the Watch using iPhone Watch app. This was hoped to return the Watch to original factory settings. The remote reset was completed, which unpaired the Watch from my iPhone.

But now, the Watch is signaling nearby iPhones it is available to Pair. However, it cannot pair since it cannot display anything not even Apple logo, nothing.

I want to turn it off, or force a power off, but How? Every instruction I find has some step referring to touch controls appearing on the watch face/screen. That can’t work with a dead display

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