
A gaming PC is a personal computer specifically designed and optimized for playing video games.

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My graphic drivers keep crushing while playing.

After swaping my motherboard and cpu, i got a problem with crushing GPU drivers while playing. I did install clean OS and drivers and idk what can i do. Maybe updating BIOS will help? I dont think myu GPU is not compatible with motherboard.


GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1060 6GB
CPU: AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-core
Motherboard: B550 AORUS ELITE V2

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i finally manage to repair nvlddmkm error for a idk how long, but I searched a little and found out that nvlddmkm is solved but there is another issue with Display error ID 4101 and for now, i think after swapping mb and CPU, my GPU got faulty for some reason. So i guess buying a new GPU will resolve this issue but idk for sure.





I did a memtest86 and I found that my 2 RAM sticks are faulty. Over 10k errors. So I think I found a solution for this nvlddmkm and display error. Thank you for your help.


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Hi @darkpronce9257,

What version BIOS is it on the motherboard?

According to the CPU list for the motherboard, your new CPU has been compatible since Ver. F10.

Is it only games that you're having problems with?

What is the PSU wattage value?

Looking at the CPU list your new CPU uses more power than some other CPU models shown i.e. 105W whereas others are 65W

Update (07/26/23)


The nviddmdk errors are what you need to check.

I realize that the link says only up to Win 7 but there are helpful tips e.g. memory test using Memtest86 and also memory timing settings and CPU overclocking etc which may be worth looking at.


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bios version/date: American Megatrends International, LLC. FB, 14.11.2022


PSU: 600w

my pc sometimes crush cuz of this drivers crush and my sreen flashes time to time and it looks like when u refresh GPU drivers using WIN+CRTL+SHIFT+B



Does it only happen when playing games?

How much ram is installed?

If it also happens when just browsing the internet etc, try starting the PC in safe mode and check if it happens.

Also check in Event Viewer for any Critical, Error and Warning events that may be logged at the same time as the problems occur.


Yeah i usually use my pc to play and when game crash I got a message that my graphic drivers crash. It happens sometimes few times in a row.

I got 16GB 3200 corsair ram

Event viewer don't show anything special after crash so idk.


i just checked event viewer and i got few error and warning: i will go by event ID




and so many nvlddmkm with iD 0

also many TPM with iD 14 but thats not causing a problem cuz i had tmp on my previous motherboard and there wasn't any issues.


i finally manage to repair nvlddmkm error for a idk how long, but I searched a little and found out that nvlddmkm is solved but there is another issue with Display error ID 4101 and for now, i think after swapping mb and CPU, my GPU got faulty for some reason. So i guess buying a new GPU will resolve this issue but idk for sure.



Well I will suggest to updated your graphic driver sometime an outdated Graphic driver cause these kind of issue. So the most simple and easy way to fix this is by just updating your graphic driver to it latest version.

Also check out this it might be help you in updating the graphic driver: https://wethegeek.com/best-driver-update...


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I tried using diffrent versions of GPU driver and still same issue so i think gpu is good




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