
苹果 iPhone 5c 于2013年9月10日发布。该设备的维修与以前的型号相似,需要螺丝刀和撬机工具。提供GSM或CDMA / 8,16,32 GB /白色,粉红色,黄色,蓝色和绿色。

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get past iPhone disabled, connect to itunes screen, or was I scammed?

@dadibrokeit has already dealt with this iphone 5c before, lol, but with a different issue

i've contacted the ebay seller of the iphone 5c, which i put it's logic board into this phone.

i kept trying common passwords, and im questioning gettting a refund, as it wasn't activated in the photos, nor said it was activated in the description or title

also, it won't go into recovery mode, or into DFU mode, and ive tried a iphone unlocker, but i still cant get into it

i can't restore on itunes, or really anything, because it needs a pass code, lol

don't mind the really weird time zone, lol

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here's the original listing photo, if that helps, lol

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did i just get scammed? can i get past this without the apple id or the password? is there a way to wait out the itunes screen?


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so it wont go into recovery by turning it off then holding in the home button and connecting the lighting cable ?


it did.. once.. and it wasn't plugged into a computer, so by the time i got it plugged into the computer it was out of recovery mode.. :(

im gonna switch home buttons (i have two, as these are two phones i've combined into one lol), just to see it works better with one of them





the button swap worked, but iTunes restore didn't (took to long, and the iphone kept going out recovery mode) so i flashed it using 3utools, and now its working :D

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