
A Desktop PC built from off-the-shelf DIY parts, rather than a prebuilt from a major manufacturer. These can also be built by an SI using off-the-shelf parts.

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CPU Temps are low but FANS are at max speed

I had a prebuilt pc that overtime I had to replace parts and now the cpu fan is the only thing left of the original.

The current specs are
CPU: i5-2500K
RAM : 32gb (8gb 1333mhz x 4)
Storage: SSD 254gb

OS: Windows 10

Windows and bios are up to date. The thermal paste is freshly applied. The fans are set to silent in the bios. CPU temps is around 35c. But the fan is running at 4272RPM all the time

I need to know the pc is fine and its not going to explode or something. Is there anything I can do right now? Should I replace the cpu fan? Is the motherboard i bought defective? Is here a way to manuall set the cpu fan speed?

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Hi @kdme_

It may be a problem with the temp sensor in the fan itself.

Have you checked that the fan heat sink fins are clear and dust free?

If they are then perhaps changing the fan may be the best option. If the new fan still runs at high speed then you know that it is not the fan


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MIght be but now I think its the motherboard as the next day after I posted it did not turn on.

so i turned everything off and reseated the cpu and ram. I turned it on again and it freaking grounds me.

Any thoughs on this?

Honestly I'm thinking of just biting the bullet and just built a new pc with new parts



What do you mean by "....grounds me."?

Did you get an electric shock?

If so something it shorting out to the chassis (if that's what you wer touching at the time. Check the motherboard standoff screws are all in in case the underside of the board is touching the case.

Reinserting the CPU and the ram may have pushed the board down until it touched.

Also check for any cables rubbing against the chassis etc.




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