
2015年3月更新的 13 英寸 MacBook Pro 配备 Retina 显示屏,型号为A1502,采用第五代英特尔酷睿 i5 和 i7 处理器,并配备 Force Touch触控板。

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New Aura SSD not recognized when installed internally

The SSD randomly died one day and was told I just needed to replace it. After it is installed, whenever I boot the computer (I did Command + R, and Command + Shift + R) it doesn’t show up in Disk Utility, and all I see is the macOS Base System Disk Image Volume which is like 2GB. However when I boot it and hold just Option(Alt) I can see the new SSD and then a drive called Recovery-10.11.6. I even try opening Terminal and using the diskutil list function, and the SSD doesn’t show up there either.

ON THE OTHER HAND - whenever I mount the new SSD to an external dock and connect it to my computer via USB, I am able to run the computer and even sign in (I used this method to install the new MacOS and setup the computer thinking the SSD would work once connected internally, but it didn’t work).

I am at such a loss as I feel like I’ve hit a wall. I would be SO GRATEFUL if someone could help me troubleshoot this issue. Thank you in advance.

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This is a common issue! The Internet recovery OS is HFS+ based which can’t recognize the newer APFS file system your drive is running.

You need to create a bootable USB thumb drive with your current macOS. Then when you need to fix your OS only use this drive.


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@danj can you please elaborate on the second part of your comment? How do I create a bootable thumb drive? Can I do it on my current computer or will I need a different computer? I have an external HD, will that work? Thank you!


@danv0918 - Do you have access to a second Mac? Ideally running the same macOS yours is. You really want to snag a 32GB USB thumb drive as you’ll end up wiping any data that’s on your HD.

The steps are quite simple

Download the OS installer from the App Store, then converting the file into a bootable OS.


@Dan I do not unfortunately. After many hours I actually realized that my SSD was not formatted as APFS. Finally rebooted to the proper recovery mode and was able to convert the SSD. macOS Monterey is now installing onto the SSD. The SSD should now be viewable internally right?


Scratch my previous comment. Monterrey failed to install and the SSD isn’t viewable internally. I think I need to connect it externally again and delete it to APFS again. I’ve been at it for 6 hours now. Giving up for tonight and will try again tomorrow. Hope someone can help me make sense of this!


@danv0918 - Square peg - Round hole problem! Sorry there’s a Part 1 issue here!

Your systems firmware also needs to be updated to Mojave or higher (Apple messed up the first version of APFS in High Sierra).

If you read the OWC’s documentation it clearly says you need to be running a newer macOS as the NVMe driver the SSD needs is in these newer macOS releases.

So you really, really need that USB thumb drive! Even if you don’t have a second Mac we can get you going, it’s just harder!

Can you put back the original Apple SSD and get your system running? If you can just clean off some room and then grab the macOS upgrade from the App Store and get your system to Mojave or newer. Once upgraded go back to the App Store and this time download it.

That gets you 3/4 of the way done! Now using Disk Utility format the thumb drive to GUID Extended, then copy the OS installer to it.

Last step!! Open a terminal command line following this guide Create a bootable installer for macOS now you have a bootable USB drive to then boot up and install the needed OS onto your OWC drive.




The OWC Aura blade SSDs require the following in order to be functional: "macOS 10.13 High Sierra (or later macOS) must be installed on the host computer before installing the Aura Pro X2 SSD. These OS versions include an EFI firmware update for your host computer. Without the update, your new Aura Pro X2 will not function..." It sounds like you had macOS 10.11 installed on your previous drive. That means, in order to use the Aura drive, you will need to install a working OEM Apple drive, install macOS 10.13 High Sierra or later, then remove the OEM drive and install the Aura drive. Then it should work as expected.


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@zpl - thank you for this info! I personally do not want to put out the money for ANOTHER drive since I’m trying to be as cost effective as possible with this repair. Apple quoted me like $300-400, and if I buy an OEM drive I’ll just end up near price. I am trying out another commenter’s troubleshoot first as it does not require purchasing more hardware. Appreciate your input, and I’m totally open to other ideas/options if you have them!




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