
2015年3月更新的 13 英寸 MacBook Pro 配备 Retina 显示屏,型号为A1502,采用第五代英特尔酷睿 i5 和 i7 处理器,并配备 Force Touch触控板。

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How long does a replacement battery last when not installed?

I bought a replacement battery for a MacBook Pro 13" from iFixit three years ago but never got around to installing it. Will it still work ok? I'm nervous about taking the machine apart and making it worse if the battery has died by just sitting on a shelf for so long.

Thanks in advance.

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No easy answer here! Just like buying a bottle of milk the effective storage makes a difference. Even still, that bottle of milk has an expiration date! But it’s just a educated guess based on modeling of what you will likely do with that bottle and how the store you bought it handled it as well.

So what about this battery??

Lithium Ion batteries also have a lifespan! But it’s a bit different. Here the chemistry is the factor! The batteries state of charge can’t be low nor high as that applies pressure within the porous insulator sheets which allows the ions to pass. In this state the batteries storage is about two years in an optimum environment.

Once the battery is used the cycle count and how you manage the charge and discharge of the battery come to play. Letting the battery discharge below the 1/3 charge state as well as charging above the 2/3 at a high temp (the systems charging logic should lower the rate) and the last 10~15% should be at a trickle rate.

Simply put your battery still has a fair about of life left! But how you treat it will make a sizable difference!


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In normal operation, lithium-ion batteries have four enemies:

1. Time. This is your present concern. Nothing you can do about it.

2. Temperature. High temperature ages the cells. Usually this means don't leave it in your car.

3. Cycles. This is your use profile. Road warriors accumulate a lot of cycles. Not something to obsess about -- you wanted portability.

4. Voltage. In normal operation, this involves high state of charge (high cell voltage), which accelerates aging. It's a bad idea to keep it at that state. Those who use their laptop as a desktop are always on the charger. Fortunately, modern Macs adapt to this and hold at 80% state of charge.

But there's another thing, a killer. Very low state of charge -- low cell voltage -- is fatal. You never get here in normal operation, but you can during storage (installed or not), especially if your cells were substantially discharged before you start. You'll find out when you install, because the battery management unit will shoot your battery pack through the head if it detects a fatally low voltage. It will melt a fuse (using charger power) to ensure the battery can never be used again. This is a safety feature, since changing such cells can be dangerous.

Whether your battery is toast or not depends on mostly on its initial state of charge, but also storage conditions. I would install it and hope not to see a battery death notice. If it has survived, it should be in better condition than a battery pack which has been cycled for three years.


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