It still doesn't show no picture or sound.

I just bought a new main power board for my Samsung TV. It still doesn't show no picture or sound. Only when I disconnect the power board for the other main board is when I get a black screen. But as soon as I connect them together again I get no picture at all. Not even a black screen. Can you please tell me what is it in doing wrong

Update (02/14/2023)

I bought a new main power board and I hooked it up to my TV and it doesn't work. Even when I hook it up to the other power board. But the crazy thing is when I disconnect the power board from the other board I get a black screen. But as soon as I hook it back up I no longer get the black screen. Can you please tell me what I'm doing wrong? I would gladly appreciate it. , Thank You for your time and concerns

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Remi O couple of clarifications are needed. What exact model is your TV? Why did you change the main board? What were the initial issues with it? Besides replacing the main board, what else have you checked? Do you have a multimeter? Do you still have to back cover removed? If yes, post some really good pictures of your boards with your Question. That way we can see what you see. 在已经存在的问题里加入图片

