
9 月 24 日发布的苹果 2021 旗舰智能手机配备 6.1 英寸 ProMotion OLED 显示屏、全新三镜头后置摄像头系统和 5G。iPhone 13 Pro 是 iPhone 12 Pro 的继任者。

20 个问题 查看全部

Gets hot when plugged into charger

My phone has been working like new but recently dropped from about waist height while inside a durable case. No visible damage but it completely shut off. When I tried to charge it, it got hot. I took it to Apple and they tried replacing the battery but said it wasn't the issue and that I may have to replace the entire back panel and suggested it might be a logic board issue due to the heat when trying to charge.

Does anyone have any clue to think the logic board is fried and unfixable?

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I surmise it might be a issue with connectors or logic board. Logic board is fixable try reaching authorized repair center most 3rd party service centers does the said repair, but we can't guarantee.


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