
Keyboard not working, left click behaves like right click

Hey, i have a problem. My macbook air was completely alright when i was using it in the evening. I shut it down, went to bed and then i woke up in the morning, turned on my laptop and all of the sudden, the keyboard didnt work. Also, when i left clicked the trackpad, it behaved like when i do right click(the window with i.e. "copy, save as.." popped up). But EVERYTHING else was/is working like a charm. It feels like the laptop is completely okay, just the keyboard and trackpad are not working. This happend like a month ago. I took it to my local Apple Service Provider, and they diagnosed it as water damage(altough there is no possibility i spilled water on it/somebody spilled water on it). They sent me some pictures. The only part showing some damage is a little place, right where the mag safe connector connects to the laptop. Its maybe an inch by inch big. Aparently, they want me to pay 1000€(1300dollars) so they can fix it. They want to change the whole motherboard, in order to fix this one little piece of it. I would not say a word if the computer was dead or had some other main damage, but i think its ridiculous to pay 1000€(i can buy brand new macbook air for this price) just to pay for the keyboard/trackpad repair. Also, i tried to connect my magic mouse to it and it does the same thing. When i do left click, it actually does right click.

PLEASE help me, or tell me if its really neccessary to remove and change the WHOLE motherboard or if its reasonable to pay that price for this repair.(I live in Czech Republic, where those repair guys would tell me anything to get money. So i dont really believe them, its a water damage because i didnt spill any water on it) And if you have any suggestions what else could be the problem, i would be glad if you shared them with me.

These are the pictures of the broken/damaged piece:




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It's evident that there is corrosion on a specific area of your logic board. You should try to clean the corrosion with 90% isopropyl alcohol and a tooth brush. Maybe it will solve the problem. If not you could send your MBA to a repair shop that repair spilled logic boards. There are many shops in the US and Canada (check ebay). Try to find one that has good reputation in Europe.


得分 1

If clicking (right or left, doesn’t matter how/where) consistently acts as a right click and the context menu pops up with every click or touch to your trackpad, it might be the case that the control key is stuck.

Control + click —> = right click

(Also when using any other external mouse: control + left click = right click)


得分 8


That sort of felt like magic. Using my cell phone to figure out that my ctrl key was stuck. It also made me feel incredibly stupid. Like, did I just Rube Goldberg my life? And how long has this been going on? Concerned.


This has worked for me. ctrl + click and or using an external mouse



I know it sounds strange, but turning “sticky keys” on/off is the only thing that has worked for me. The problem still occurs, but much more rarely than before. And when it does occur, I don’t reboot anymore, I just tab shift five times (shortcut) to enable/disable sticky keys. I know it’s a very random solution, but hey so is the problem! Try it. :-)


得分 6


Worked like a charm, thank you!


Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart this was so frustrating


OH MY GOD!! IT HAS WORKED!! Thank you so much I have tried everything else that you can find online and only this has worked. For anyone who doesn't know how to do that go to Apple icon, system preferences, accessibility,keyboard, and click and unclick the icon for sticky keys!!!


CRAZY!! Thank you so much! It was solved!


Woah. This worked like a charm!





I'm having the same problem, but an external keyboard works well. Did you fix your issue?



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try this is if you havent found a resolution yet.

go into system preferences>touchpad>point and click. then put the speed down to about halfway.

this should fix the issue if it is turned up higher


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Hi Guys,

I had a similar problem with my MBP 2017 15inch, but my solution turned out to be very simple. In the end all I had to do is create a new User and move my information there. It took a while to figure it out but it worked like a charm so my advise would be - try with a new user if the problem is still there.


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I probably have the solution for this issue. All you have to do is disconnect the keyboard cable from the motherboard and then connect an external keyboard. If your external keyboard and trackpad work fine then you need to replace the keyboard.


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