Why is my TV's picture not fully brightening?

My LG 42ln5300 start up but doesn't fully brighten then goes to black then brightens slightly. This repeats as long as it's on. sound is good, but is this fixable and what is the problem?

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Hi Victor Ford,

Could you take a good in-focus picture and post, or maybe a quick video of it happening? Update your question following this guide Adding images to existing questions with those pictures and/or video

It’s easier to diagnose when seeing the issue


Victor Ford this all sounds like a bad backlight array. LG is known for using low quality backlight strips. Fixable ? Yes, but a bit of a PITA to do. Once we see what you got going on we can probably confirm this.


@geirandersen I took a video to show the sequence of the fading and rebooting and fading and then found out that it was to the video was too long to fit in in a text or an email so I'm going to next step but thank you for your suggestion

