
The Envy 15 is a line of 15-inch notebook laptops built by HP. The original model was released in October 2009 with updated versions following each year.

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Replacement battery sought for HP Envy laptop

Hi All, I need a good quality replacement battery for my laptop. The laptop is an HP Envy Notebook 15-as050na. The battery part number is VS03XL. iFixit does not seem to stock this part. I have previously bought replacement laptop batteries both locally and online, and the experience was not good. Google finds various suitable batteries ranging from £26.95 to £69.99, but can anybody here help me identify a reputable supplier? Thanks.

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Hi @scandalxk

Providing recommendations on ifixit is usually discouraged as it is too subjective and may be misconstrued as spam.

Perhaps the best that you can do is check the warranty on the battery provided by the seller and also check online for reviews of the seller and then go with your instincts.

Here's an example of 3 suppliers where the first 2 give a 12 month warranty but have poor reviews and the 3rd gives only a 9 month warranty but has better reviews. The cost of the battery from all 3 suppliers is very similar.

supplier 1, supplier 2, supplier 3



得分 3


Jayeff, thanks for taking the time to reply, and thanks for the explanation. I see what you mean about spam: that had not occurred to me. Thanks also for the examples: their respective Trustpilot scores make interesting reading! Thanks again.




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