
The Canon Rebel T6i is a popular, semi-professional grade Camera with a 24.2 MP sensor designed for any user. Also known as the EOS 750D and the EOS Kiss X8i, this guide is meant to aid in the repair of a few common problems that may occur during normal use.

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Screen is fully blacked but camera still shooting

I have canon 1300d I cannot use it last 4-5 months l, today I switch on the camera it's Screen is fully Blank but Camera still shooting what's wrong with this?

Bettery is fully charge.

New memory card.

But still I face this problem please help me.

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Was this camera ever dropped or jostled hard to create damage long after the event? Digital cameras have several separate functions as you see with the display electronically driven while some of the camera still retains mechanical functions. A quick remedy might be removing battery and memory card for a minute then replace only the battery (forcing a reset to factory defaults). The screen may turn on with all characters turned on as part of self tests or just display normal info. Observe this power up for clues. If the screen remains dark then you may have to turn to Canon or professional repair service. If the screen turns on then lack of memory card may be detected with an error message to prompt you to power off and put the memory card in and see if display functions return to normal.


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