
模具型号A1707。于2017年6月上市,这台MacBook Pro的特征为配有Kaby Lake处理器,可升级至2.9GHz、可动态超频至3.9GHz四核英特尔酷睿i7处理器。

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Wide Vertical Bar Down The Display - Have you seen this before?

About a month ago about a 2" wide grey semi-transparent vertical bar appeared on the display. After changing the background color to blue, I noticed it has ghosting.

Before I tear into it, I wanted to ask the community if you have seen this before?

I'm guessing it's either the flex cable, or the display itself. A $15 flex cable is easy enough to replace. However, if you've seen this same issue and it was the display, I'll probably just sell it as-is on ebay and go ahead (it's about that time) and move up to a M1 or M2 (will probably go with a mini this time around).


I took screenshots of the display, and the line doesn't appear in the images. So, are photos that I took with my phone.

Block Image

Photo (below) zoomed and cropped to show the ghosting letters; The vertical bar is the same size as the one shown above.

Block Image

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I would double check things here by connecting an external display via the Thunderbolt port connection. Is that screen showing a clean image?



Yes, the external display is fine. Also did an SMC and PRAM reset. In addition, I booted Linux Mint and the built in display still shows the vertical bar. So, it's not a driver issue -- either that flex cable or the display itself.




Apple display flex cable is never easy to replace. The broken cable is fused with the screen, so this is going to be a costly repair.


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I think your thinking about the backlight cable pair being difficult.

I'm referring to the single flex cable, which is an easy fix - I've put in a few before, however, in those cases the screen had several vertical lines. I've just not came across one with a single wide bar down one side.

MacBook Pro 15" Retina (Late 2016-2019) Display Cable


@Country Computer Service That part never breaks, if it did, the screen will be just off or randomly snowflakes/artifacts. The failure type you have is clearly analog in nature, something about row/column traces broken.



Sorry this is a T-CON scanning issue. It will need a new display assembly to fix as the T-CON is part of the assembly.


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So, you've seen this exact same pattern before? Just a single grey bar? I'm trying to rule out the T-CON Flex Board Cable, before the timing controller.


@Country Computer Service - Yes in all of the TouchBar models as the T-CON overheats due to its placement! Often we see the horizontal over/under scan. which creates black bars at the top and bottom. While not as common the vertical sync can also slip so the buffers data is not fully wiped.

The displays data cable (the short one between the logic board and the T-CON) just doesn't fail, the only exception would be a liquid spill getting into the connector interface board or T-CON. And the displays T-CON to LCD cables wouldn't cause this effect.




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