
发布于2018年10月26日。型号A1984,A2105,A2106,A2108。 提供GSM或CDMA / eSIM,nano-SIM或双SIM / 64,128或256 GB /黑色,白色,蓝色,黄色,珊瑚色或红色。 (发音为“iPhone 10 R”)

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What parts of an iCloud locked iPhone can I use?

I want to buy iCloud locked iPhone xr for parts on eBay? Which parts can I use??

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As @guardian10 said, you can use anything in the phone, since the iCloud lock is only a software lock; the hardware should all be fully functional. That being said, without removing the iCloud lock, the motherboard will be fairly useless for you.

As far as other parts, some of it is going to depend on whether you want to keep your Face ID function. The front camera assembly and the earpiece speaker assembly are both paired to the logic board, so while you can use them, you'll lose Face ID if you do.

I've heard stories about the Taptic Engine being paired to the logic board on some iPhones, but haven't encountered that problem myself.

Finally, while you can swap displays at will, the Tru-Tone function won't work unless you copy some data from the old display to the replacement using a device programmer.

To the best of my knowledge, everything else is fair game and can be swapped in and out without issue.


得分 2


I'm just looking for one for the camera only, would that still work? Then I'd be able to DL to my PC via cable?


Hi @Schtanky D,

I'm not clear about what you are trying to do. We were talking about buying an iCloud locked phone for parts, so in that respect, yes, you can take the camera only; the rear cameras are fair game, but the front camera being part of the Face ID assembly will cause you to lose that ability.

Where does downloading to your PC come into this picture?



You can use any working parts except for the logic board.


得分 1


So if I put a new logic board/motherboard in a security locked iPhone, will that remove the lock and function like a new iPhone?


@justintroyna Assuming the new board isn't locked, yes.


@justintroyna First of all, let me disabuse you of any notion you might have of buying a "new" motherboard. Apple is the only one who can make an actual iPhone motherboard and they don't sell them to the public. So any board you buy that actually works has been salvaged from an iPhone and is, by definition, used.

Now, putting that aside, you want to take an iCloud locked phone and swap out the motherboard for one that isn't locked. If you do that you will have a mostly-functional phone, but it will not work like a new iPhone. The main issue is the software locks Apple puts into the phone. On the iPhone XR the front camera assembly, the earpiece speaker assembly and the battery are all paired to the logic board with a proprietary encryption algorithm that only Apple has access to.

So if you swap out the motherboard, you can expect the following functions to quit working.

* The battery health information will no longer be available and you'll get a pop-up warning that your battery may not be genuine.

* Face ID will no longer function. Period. There is no fix for that outside of replacing the front camera assembly and the earpiece speaker assembly that are paired to the replacement logic board along with the logic board.

* The True Tone function and possibly automatic brightness adjustment will no longer work. This, however, can be fixed by reprogramming a number called the MtSN into the screen. The MtSN can be retrieved from the logic board to do that, but it takes a device programmer; those generally start at about $85 USD.



Something about using a SDR to read back the data via radio over the headphone port, only works on certain models (ie the 6)


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Andre, pardon my French, but what in the blue bloody blazes are you talking about? What's an SDR? How do you read analog audio data out of a wired port with a radio receiver? How does that even work?

I mean, if we're talking about a headphone port then yeah, that only works up to the iPhone 6S since they dropped it on the 7. but otherwise your post at first glance appears to be gibberish. I've been in the electronic engineering field for 40 years and I have no clue what you're trying to say.


@dadibrokeit Just saw your message. Essentially there is a method of reading back a specific part of the boot sequence intended for manufacturer diagnostics even if nothing is present on the screen during reset. As the iPhone 6 has video output capability the pin is essentially wired directly to the CPU via some buffer circuitry, so it is like putting a scope pin on the CPU data pins. These days a software defined radio is almost as good as a scope for certain tasks with some caveats. https://forums.macrumors.com/threads/iph...




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