
Apple 的第三代智能手表,配备可选的蜂窝网络功能,发布与2017年9月22日。

20 个问题 查看全部

Adhesive seal...only come with a replacement of Force Touch Gasket?

I successfully relaced a shattered screen, but seems there should have been a replacetment adhesive appliction included in the pkg. A prompt from ifixit that this issue was going to present itself would've been timely The Force Touch gasket is intact, and wasn't part of the repair. The transparent adhesive product that was removed...was to be diposable, right? The watch went back together, and powed up fine etc. Am I missing something about intuitively having to know when ordering the screen, that adhesive wouldn't have logically been included/connected to the part ...if it was certainly going to be required??? I thought well perhaps it on the screen edge and just needs a heat gun blast to activate it. No luck. Having to place another order for something with adhesive, or now taking it to a local shop (which is what I was trying to avoid via DIY) seems like a shortcoming. Surely someone here can chime in and enlighten me as to what I failed to clarify when ordering, or suggest their workaround.

Thanks in advance..JJ

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Just assume both the screen adhesive and the force touch ring to be disposable, always buy and replace them as one set.


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Thanks Tom. Makes sense....I was just a bit hot not being able to finish my project, and looking for a scapegoat....ha. Note to self, and other DIY'ers; think ahead, and add the adhesive seal to your parts order.


@jajohnston99 Actually no need to blame yourself, ifixit should provide clear instructions or recommendations to sell them as a kit.




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