
苹果2016年对于专业用户的笔记本更新。具有15英寸,2880*1800的Retina显示器, 四核心 Intel Core i7处理器, 256 / 512 GB /1 TB / 2TB 存储空间, 16 GB 内存, 和一个带有Touch Bar的键盘。2016年11月发布,型号为 A1707。

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PPF004 after changing battery


I changed my battery and since then my left fan is running at full speed. I ran a diagnostic and it says it was an error PPF004. I also ran TG Pro and it said my left fan is running at full speed.

What can I do to solve this problem?



Pictures of my fans connectors

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Edit 2:

Missing component repaired but the fan is still running at full speed

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回答此问题 我也有这个问题


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Ive fallen into the EXACT same issue. Any luck with it ?





If it’s only the left one this is likely to be an issue with the connections. Retrace your steps. Especially if you took the whole board out. Reseat your keyboard connector, since it is the conduit for fan signals to and from the board. Make sure none of the pins here are bent or damaged, or inadvertently got any solvent on them or other debris (assuming you used something to loosen up the adhesive). Check both the cable side of the connector and the board side. Of particular note would be pins in the middle of each row, the left fan tachometer pin is the 9th one in from the left on the bottom row. If for whatever reason you took the fans out, reseat those connectors too.

If you didn’t take your board out, same steps still apply, but I would take it out and make sure that no solvent got into in any place it wasn’t suppose to. On the other side of that trackpad connector are some components involved in fan speed regulation, so they could have been damaged.

EDIT to include pictures of where the the Q6000 and Q6050 transistors and affiliated components are located, which are responsible board side for fan regulation.

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Thanks for your reply. Yes I took the whole board out but I didn’t not use any liquid. I added pictures on my initial post, for me it looks fine. I read also that it can be related to the keyboard or trackpad but for me it looks fine I don’t know.

I didn’t get that part sorry: “Of particular note would be pins in the middle of each row, the left fan tachometer pin is the 9th one in from the left on the bottom row”

Edit: I tried to install Mac fan control and I’m able to control my right fan but the left one still run at full speed no matter what


@Jeremie Fan connectors look good to me too.

If you didn't use any kind of adhesive solvent how did you remove the battery, heat?

And I just meant. those are the pins in the keyboard connector which regulate Fan speed for the left fan. I would expect that or the left fan PWM line is where the issue would be if that were the problem. Those are the 9th and 10th pins in from the left on the bottom row of the connector.

Realistically though, if everything looks good, I would try replacing the fan anyways. Seems weird to me that it would choose during a battery replacement to go, but it's not unheard of.


I used this method but I removed the logic board: https://youtu.be/gVjHD5jawuE

The keyboard connector is the one going over the battery or is it the trackpad?


@Jeremie Got it. That just looks like the sheer brute force method. So it seems possible that something might have slipped? I'm just guessing.

And the one going over the battery is the trackpad. The keyboard is the one next to it, you should be able to see the cable connecting into the actual keyboard underneath the logic board. You can even reseat that cable's connection to the keyboard as well, but it's pretty unusual for it to go bad in my experience.


Ok thanks. Then if something slipped under it would have been under the trackpad and not the keyboard, since there is the black cover on top of it no? I also checked the visible part of the keyboard connector and it looks clean. I’ll try to get a new fan and update my post.

Edit: I also read people saying it can come from the Q6060 area but I’ve absolutely no clue of where it is




The error implies the fan its self has a problem. Is TG Pro only showing one fan is encountering an issue? If it does then you need to inspect the ribbon cable and the connector of the given fan.

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Thanks for your reply. I added pictures on my intial post. I think that both ribbons / connectors look the same. What do you think?


@Jeremie - While I don't see anything I'm suspecting the fan has failed. I would order a replacement. Just make sure you gt the correct one

MacBook Pro 15" Retina (Late 2016-2019) Left Fan

MacBook Pro 15" Retina (Late 2016-2019) Right Fan


I don’t know if you read my other comment but I can control the right fan’s speed but not the left one so does it mean that indeed my left fan died (even though it was working fine just before I replaced my battery) or is it something related to the logic board or something else?


@Jeremie - Left fan needs replacing.



Well this video might be help you out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J1_kN6tH...


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