Black fuzzy screen when taking picture. Solid black after
When looking to take a picture the screen is fuzzy black. After taking a picture the screen is solid black except the date info.
Can you view the camera’s menu options OK on the screen?
If so given that the downloaded images are also black it appears that there is either a problem with the camera’s CCD image sensor, the motherboard or both.
has the camera been dropped or gotten wet at all?
Unfortunately I cannot find any spare parts or a service manual online for your particular model. You may have better luck
fixed my snowy black display screen, on canon 350 hs digital ! while camera is off, held down power and button for picture taking at same time. camera flashed. screen displayed. took another pic, and display was fixed. that will be 39.99 please. hahaha
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What do the pictures look like when downloaded and viewed on a computer?
由 jayeff 完成的
Same as they do on the LED screen. Solid black except the date info
由 Philip P 完成的
The other menus look perfectly fine, just when trying to take a pic. It may have been dropped
由 Philip P 完成的