What is error code 15 and 31
What is error code 15 &31
31 seems to come up when any of the sensors are too dirty for operation. Clean all the sensors below and on the top of the device including the camera and the protruding cylinder thingy.
This was the only thing that helped me with error 31, reboots didn't help.
I took the advice removed the head and removed the copper disk and cleaned it and bam it worked!
Thank you Viktor! After fighting with this for days, your solution worked for me (and I didn't see any such suggestion on the iRobot site).
It worked wow I almost sent the thing back to the company for a 100 dollar discount on another one thanks sooo much
This sounds promising! Thanks for posting. Unfortunatly, I didn't yet manage it. Did you take it apart (e.g. remove any screws) for cleaning it? It looks quite difficult to really clean the sensors. Did you use special cleansing material?
From what i can see;
Error 15 is “communication error”, and is said to be fixed by pressing the “Clean” button again or doing a restart.
Error 31 appear to be “internal communication error”, this one looks unsolved tbh, or at least not publicated officially.
There is this thread on reddit tho, that states;
“UPDATE: I have run the Roomba S9 since removing the main vacuum head, blowing out the hair and dust: The result is that I have had very few error 31’s since. Today is the second day without an error 31.
Remove the head, blow out hair and dust, put back the head and all will be well.”
I took the advice removed the head and removed the copper disk and cleaned it and bam it worked!
I had the same issue and ended up fixing mine.
Take the entire thing apart by removing the: cleaning head, both wheel modules, battery, vacuum motor, and storage bin.
I bought a can of compressed air from a office supply store and blow off every piece you removed including the main and now empty robot. Using a soft cloth and a cleaning solution (I used alcohol), clean all of the electronic connectors for the modules (the gold computer looking chips). Clean the bin sensor which a small gold color disc located behind a small black plastic piece which has to be removed near the duct for the waste bin.
Put the robot back together and reset/reboot the robot. Make sure to select the option to save the map if you choose to reset it.
Mine started working again after the deep cleaning.
I hope this helps!
Hi, I had the same problem error 31 every time I activated the Roomba, it was driving me mad I phoned the help line but to be honest they were useless telling me that a reboot will sort it. No amount of rebooting will sort this it is a problem with the sensors. I bought a new set from USA via eBay about $35 replaced all 6 and had no problem since not one error 31.
It’s fairly easy to do just watch the YouTube video on how to remove bumper from Roomba and replace each sensor one at a time just make sure that the cable length and end plug match when removing and replacing. There is a slight difference on some of the end plugs, just take your time, it’s quite easy.
I have not had any more error 31 since, by all means try cleaning them with a soft cloth first, DONT USE ANY CLEANING SOLUTION.
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