
Also known as the PS one, or the PSOne, this device is the slim version of the original PlayStation, released in 2000.

20 个问题 查看全部

My AV Port doesn’t work?

So I went to play on my PSOne the other day and found that plugging in the AV connector to the console and TV did absolutely nothing. It’s worked perfectly in the past but recently does not. I swapped for one that I know works and it still didn’t give anything different. My TV doesn’t recognise Ive plugged in the console. I tried a different TV too and nothing happened. Is there anything I can do to fix it that doesn’t require tediously going through with a multimeter and soldering on new bits?

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Unfortunately, you may have to do some soldering. Can you open up your PSOne(guide here) and smell or whiff the circuit board? If so, does it smell fishy?


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