Replacement USB-C port: no audio, and one way cable orientation issues

Hi All,

I recently replaced the battery and usb port on my pixel 3 using the IFIXIT kits.

-Battery: old one was draining very rapidly

-USB port: old one was no longer working for audio (tested with usbc-aux dongle, and directly with usbc pixel buds)


-Battery is only slightly better, so I have to assume there is another hardware or software issue here

But I have a more specific question about the USB-C port:

Question 1:

The replacement port also does not transmit audio, adjusting usb settings in the developer options menu did not fix this. Restarting didn’t help, and would try a factory reset but hesitant unless anyone else has had success. Any ideas?

Question 2:

USB charging worked with the new replacement immediately, but now, after 3 days, I can only charge with one orientation of the charging cables (tried 3 different cables, all only work in one orientation). I doubt this could be damage to the port so soon after replacement. Has anyone else experienced this and any ideas for a fix?

Thanks for reading.

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