
iPhone 6s Plus 发布于2015年9月25日,有两个型号A1687、A1634,网络制式有GSM、WCDMA,存储容量有16GB、64GB、128GB可选,机身颜色有银色、金色、深空灰、玫瑰金。维修iPhone 6s Plus和前代产品相似,需要螺丝刀和撬棒等。

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Front/back camera and ear speaker not working after battery replacemen

I replaced the battery of my moms phone yesterday (iPhone 6s Plus). It is the second time I was doing it after buying the phone, so it didn’t give me any challenge , or so I thought. After turning on the phone, I did a quick check to see if everything was working. Both cameras was working, and also the ear speaker at that time.

I ran an update and connected the charger. When the update was done, I noticed the phone was very warm, and the battery had only charged a couple percent. I disconnected the charger and noticed that the charge dropped faster than normal. At that time I accidentally opened snapchat and saw that the front camera did not work, and the same with back camera.

I turned phone off and opened the phone up again. The battery it self was too warm, but right side of the phone was. Disconnected the battery cable, and also the three cables from the screen, and put the phone back together. Still, the cameras did not work, and also noticed that the ear speaker did not work after getting a call.

On a positive note, the phone did not get too warm, it did not loose charge as fast as it did, and the battery is charging normally. So the phone is useable, except for the cameras and the ear speaker. Also noticed that led flash/light was gone as well. The light sensor is working though.

Since I was the one screwing up, I have ordered a new phone (but I can send it back if I get this fixed). Looking at previous topics here, it might be that the culprit is the unit holding the front camera and the speaker, and replacing it might also fix the back camera. Looking online, I can buy the whole screen with all the parts assembled, it did not cost too much more than the front camera and speaker unit, and it will be easier to replace. What I wanted to ask before ordering it is what change of success would be. Since the camera did not fail right away, but afterwards, could it be something else that is wrong? I suspect that the phone getting warm and eating battery could be the cpu working hard for some reason, maybe a loose cable and that could have destroyed something else?

I would appreciate your thoughts on this.

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It is strange both cameras are not working. I would try disconnecting the front camera and see if the rear one works and vice versa. If the rear camera works with the front one disconnected it is most likely a faulty top flex assembly.

The only other thing to check would be long screw damage as this can cause the phone to get hot and the cameras to stop functioning.

If you cannot get either camera working by disconnecting the other I would proceed with the purchase of the other phone.


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Took a few days to get this fixed, but I can report that phone is functioning normal.

I considered buying a new screen, but before doing so, I talked to a local repair shop. They told me to bring it in and they would look at it. They replaced the cable for the front camera and ear speaker, and that also fixed the rear camera.




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