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Swapping batteries with huawei mate 10 pro

Hi guys my Huawei mate 9 pro battery died and I have Huawei mate 10 pro battery and would like to know if it is possible just to swap them.

thanks in advance!

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Hi @xpertion ,

It might not work as they are different model batteries that are of different dimensions. Although the Mate 10 Pro battery is slightly shorter and not as wide as the Mate 9 Pro, it is deeper (thicker) and therefore may not fit in the case allowing it to close properly. Also I can’t see if the flex cable connector plug wiring is the same for each battery so this may also have to also be checked, as it may be wired differently.

Here’s an composite image taken from the ifixit 华为 Mate 9 电池更换 guide and the 华为 Mate 10 Pro 电池更换 guide showing the two batteries side by side so that the model numbers can be seen.

You will see that they have different model numbers.

Block Image

(click on image to enlarge for better viewing)

The convention used with battery dimension numbering is that the first two digits is the depth (height) of the battery in milli metres (mm) with a decimal point between the two numbers which is not shown, the next two digits are the width in mm and the last two digits are the length in mm so the two batteries are:

Huawei Mate 9 Pro battery has the same battery model number as the Mate 9 - battery model # HB396689ECW = 3.9mm D x 66mm W x 89mm L

Huawei Mate 10 Pro - battery model # HB436486ECW = 4.3mm D x 64mm W x 86mm L

Huawei Mate 9 电池图片


华为 Mate 9 电池更换



1 hour

Huawei Mate 10 Pro 电池图片


华为 Mate 10 Pro 电池更换



1 hour


得分 2


Hi Jayeff, I decided to go and try anyway, and yes, unfortunately, it is not possible, the size Huawei mate 10 battery is a little bit smaller but does fit well inside the Huawei mate 9 pro but there is another problem it won't show that it charging at all (it just always stays at 30% when plugged in) also won't show the right percentage when in use it just jumps from 30% to 20% and so on, probably the wiring of it different like you said or it is something on a programming level, anyway just went and ordered a new battery and everything works now, really appreciate the help thank you!




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