
于2015年十月26日上市的第四代Surface Pro平板电脑。

210 个问题 查看全部

want to move my ssd to a different pro 4

Pro 4 battery expanded screen bad. Want to move ssd to new(old) pro 4. do I need the encryption key or can I just swap it in? Or is there a way to save the data since I don’t have access to the encryption key and its a second hand device?

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I’ve had limited exposure to Surfaces but what I recall bitlocker and encryption are enabled by default. I’ve never tried to move an encrypted drive to another Surface but I suspect this is not possible (otherwise what’s the point of encryption IMO). You can turn them both off but I’m still not certain if you can migrate the drive to another Surface even then.

If the Surface can STILL boot with an external PSU, I suggest you do that, connect an external monitor through the minidisplay port (either using an adapter or a display port capable monitor) and getting your data out that way.

I see that your question has been unanswered for 4 days so I hope this does help you in some way.


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