
发售于2017年11月3日。型号为 A1865, A1901。有 GSM 或者 CDMA 网络制式可选。提供64或者256GB 的存储空间。提供银色和深空灰色。(读音与“iPhone 10”相同)

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Cameras & FaceID not working after back glass removal

Folks, there was a catastrophe. I was trying to replace the broken rear glass on iPhone X. Used heat gun & soldering fan to heat-up the back and remove the glass. Removal was pretty hard and once complete neither of cameras (front & back), nor the face id are working. The guess is that the board got overheated. Tried to replace the rear camera in the neighborhood shop, but that didn’t help. The inductive charge got a little damaged, but I don’t think it can cause cameras to fail.

Is there a way to fix this? Would appreciate a help. I can do soldering if needed.


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If you didn’t remove the parts before attempting the glass replacement they have probably become damaged. For someone who doesn’t do this for a living I would suggest you should have removed the:

·         Screen.

·         Logic board.

·         Rear cameras.

·         Front cameras.

·         Charging dock.

The iPhone X has a lot of parts which have sensors. If these sensors encounter high temperature they will fail. Also the logic board has under-filled IC’s and if these become heated they will cause bridging to the pads.

Depending on the ios one faulty camera can cause the other not to work. If you can source another housing I would try the logic board in that.


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Yes, you're right. Though instructions on the kit did not mention any of those.

I have an option to get working phone with a tiny crack on the screen for a good price. Is there much risk on getting that one and swapping with my screen? Assuming everything else worked on the donor phone (face it, cameras, etc), would all the functionality continue working after screen swap?


@rubenhak Everything should work fine except true tone. For this to work you will need a screen programmer to transfer the screen info over to your screen.


Oh, Apple made it infinitely complex. Why couldn't the board reprogram the true tone on boot?

Do you think missing TrueTone would be an issue trading in a phone to TMobile?

It turns out its also possible to restore true tone without the original screen as well.





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