
A1706/EMC 3071—于2016年11月上市,这台13''MacBook Pro带有OLED触摸条。以双核“Skylake”英特尔酷睿i5 CPU和4个雷电3端口为特征。

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audio is distorting randomly

Out of no where the audio will sound all distorted and it will eventually fix its self. With windows I would delete the driver and reload. not sure what to do for a Mac. I have a recording but my phone recorded it as a m4a. now sure what to convert it to?

**When it happens again ill just record a video rather than doing the voice memo

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Check your drives free space as well as your available memory. Your issue is often caused by not having enough drive free space or RAM.

I would free up at least 1/4 of the drive so the OS and apps have elbow space so the garbage collection process isn’t firing off as often.

RAM is tricky! While you may have 16GB, you may in fact have over allocated your physical RAM and are using Virtual RAM which is based within your drive! Once again we run into the drive storage issues! So reduce your application load. As an example, don’t open so many tabs in Chrome, each tab holds RAM!

I would get a good resource monitoring app to track RAM and storage usage. You can also use Activity Monitor but it does take a bit more effort to comprehend.


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I’ll look in to this. Drive space isn’t a problem. I have 181gb free of 250 so perhaps it’s ram issues. Can you recommend an app I can use?

WindowsServer is second highest culprit right under Safari for ram about 830MB safari is 850MB and is highest. Only three tabs open in safari. If I go to cpu in activity monitor WindowsServer is right about 50% usage but that fluctuates. As I’m staring at it it’s up and down sometimes as low as 1.8%



I personally use StatsWidget+

Monitor your network if you are accessing the file from the internet or your external drive as that could also effect the playback timing as well.




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