
发布于2019年9月20日,这是苹果在2019年发布的最大且最贵的智能手机。它带有6.5英寸的OLED显示屏、三摄镜头以及大幅提升的电池续航。它继承了iPhone XS Max产品线。

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I Wiped my Phone Screen with 75% Alcohol please help

I’m not sure it’s due to this but recently my iPhone screen has been dimming even I’m still using it. I sprayed it one time on the tissue and gently wiped on just the glass protection part of the screen. Do you think my phone is damaged? It doesn’t happen all the time, it happens sometimes. I used 75% cleaning product not the type for medical use so I’m worried. How can I check if my phones ok?

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I think it should be fine. The light dimming may just be automatic dimmer





As a repair shop I use rubbing alcohol often to clean and sanitize devices. I don’t think you damaged your screen. As the comment mentioned above, you probably have auto brightness enabled or it could be malfunctioning. If I’m not mistaken you can turn off auto brightness by turning off TrueTone. Are you able to manually adjust the screen’s brightness without any issues?


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To empisize on this, I know someone who has the iPhone 11 and they occasionally and agenst my suggestions, wash there screen with straight water on a paper towel


@Tsar_ Bomba as long as they're not running it under the faucet and use a damp paper towel they should be safe.



I’ve been using 75% alcohol sprayed onto a good microfiber cloth to clean both my MacBook Air M1 and my iPhone 11 Pro Max. This process works great for both devices and I’ve never had a problem. I agree with the above comments in that you either have auto-brightness turned on or the sensor is damaged (rare). As stated above, try turning off “True Tone” which will de-activate “Auto-Brightness”.

Good Luck!

Jeff Broome


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