
Why does vertical line appear on document using ADF as source?

If I copy from the flatbed everything works fine. However if I copy or scan using the ADF, then a black vertical line appears down the center of the output document.

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Hi @delfino2107 ,

You need to clean the scanner glass window beneath the ADF. A speck of dirt or grime etc on the glass window will cause a vertical line to appear on the output document.

Be careful when cleaning. See the Cautions advisory notes in the image below. A slightly damp microfibre cloth seems to work quite well.

Here’s an image taken from p.34 of the user manual that shows the two separate scanner windows. The smaller one on the left is used for the ADF and the larger one is for flatbed scanning.

Block Image

(click on image to enlarge for better viewing)


得分 4


This problem was driving me nuts, and the answer is so simple to fix.


Wow! I can't believe it, this actually worked! This saved me from spending $1200 on a new printer. There was a small smudge on the scanner window of my printer. It was invisible to the naked eye, but caused a shadow to appear when I shined a flashlight onto the window. After thoroughly cleaning the scanner window and re-running the flashlight test, the vertical line no longer appeared. Thank you for the tip 🙏




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