
Released October 24, 2011 / 2.2, 2.4, or 2.5 GHz Quad-core Intel Core i7 Processor

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Keyboard issue, writing wrong characters

i have a strange issue with my MPB late 11.

After powering it, in aprox 5 minutes the keyboard behaves like the OPTION key is pressed. i can write only ©∆∆˚∂ˆ∆∑≤¬ß¬∑ø kind of characters.

Sometimes i cannot put my password to login.

Have you encountered this before? Is something i can do?

Thank you.

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One of your Your Option keys is stuck down!

You’ll need to get a can of can’ed air and carefully blow a few short bursts along the keycap edge. Hopefully that gets it. If not you’ll need to carefully pop off the keycap so you can clean under it with a damp cotton swab (Q-Tip) with 85% or better isopropyl alcohol to clean up anything sticky.

To verify: open up your Keyboard control panel in System Preferences check off Show keyboard and emoji viewers in menu bar. That will allow you to see a new menu item on the right side (your keyboards country flag). Clicking on it select Show Keyboard Viewer that will give you a visual clue on what your keys are. If you press on the Option key you’ll see the characters you posted are now visible!


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