
此为等候许久的Mac mini硬件更新。处理器方面支持选配3.6GHz四核i3,3.0GHz六核i5,及3.2GHz六核i7英特尔CPU。

86 个问题 查看全部

ram upgrade - reboot

I bough 32 Ram for my mac mini 2018.

Installed it step by step, without any problems.

The computer starts and works perfectly for about 25-45 min, then the screen turns black and sometime restarts the computer, and sometimes I need to restar manualy the computer to start working again…

Update (05/20/2020)

this is the memory I bought

Memory Maxxer RAM Upgrade Kit Compatible with Mac Mini Late 2018-16 GB


for my mac :

Mac mini (2018) 3 GHz 6-Core Intel Core i5

回答此问题 我也有这个问题


得分 0

thank you for your reply…can one of the dims be bad?

this is the error im getting

panic(cpu 3 caller 0xffffff800237aec0): "new_vnode(0xffffff806674ea00): free vnode still referenced"@/AppleInternal/BuildRoot/Library/Caches/com.apple.xbs/Sources/xnu/xnu-6153.101.6/bsd/vfs/vfs_subr.c:4361

Backtrace (CPU 3), Frame : Return Address

0xffffffa3c0bbb360 : 0xffffff80021215cd

0xffffffa3c0bbb3b0 : 0xffffff800225a3c5

0xffffffa3c0bbb3f0 : 0xffffff800224bf7e

0xffffffa3c0bbb440 : 0xffffff80020c7a40

0xffffffa3c0bbb460 : 0xffffff8002120c97

0xffffffa3c0bbb560 : 0xffffff8002121087

0xffffffa3c0bbb5b0 : 0xffffff80028c2c7c

0xffffffa3c0bbb620 : 0xffffff800237aec0

0xffffffa3c0bbb650 : 0xffffff800237d283

0xffffffa3c0bbb6d0 : 0xffffff7f858a0867

0xffffffa3c0bbb830 : 0xffffff7f858a903a

0xffffffa3c0bbb920 : 0xffffff800237447e

0xffffffa3c0bbba80 : 0xffffff8002373796

0xffffffa3c0bbbc90 : 0xffffff800238cfe5

0xffffffa3c0bbbce0 : 0xffffff80023599b0

0xffffffa3c0bbbee0 : 0xffffff8002359898

0xffffffa3c0bbbf40 : 0xffffff80027875f7

0xffffffa3c0bbbfa0 : 0xffffff80020c8206

Kernel Extensions in backtrace:


dependency: com.apple.kec.corecrypto(1.0)[A6D59354-C9A1-3C61-87A7-C04DD74421B1]@0xffffff7f83145000

dependency: com.apple.driver.AppleEffaceableStorage(1.0)[4C3D892C-12F7-344D-AD97-FF3C154B54D8]@0xffffff7f8309d000

dependency: com.apple.iokit.IOStorageFamily(2.1)[425BC668-32EC-368C-B4EB-CF8510846BEE]@0xffffff7f82e7f000

BSD process name corresponding to current thread: MailStorageManag

Boot args: chunklist-security-epoch=0 -chunklist-no-rev2-dev

Mac OS version:


Kernel version:

Darwin Kernel Version 19.4.0: Wed Mar 4 22:28:40 PST 2020; root:xnu-6153.101.6~15/RELEASE_X86_64

Kernel UUID: AB0AA7EE-3D03-3C21-91AD-5719D79D7AF6

Kernel slide: 0x0000000001e00000

Kernel text base: 0xffffff8002000000

__HIB text base: 0xffffff8001f00000

System model name: Macmini8,1 (Mac-7BA5B2DFE22DDD8C)

System shutdown begun: NO

System uptime in nanoseconds: 2233324755406

last loaded kext at 112717481853: @filesystems.smbfs 3.4.2 (addr 0xffffff7f864af000, size 450560)

loaded kexts:

com.getdropbox.dropbox.kext 1.11.0

@filesystems.smbfs 3.4.2

@fileutil 20.036.15

>!AGraphicsDevicePolicy 5.1.16

@AGDCPluginDisplayMetrics 5.1.16

@filesystems.autofs 3.0

>!AHV 1

|IOUserEthernet 1.0.1

>!AUpstreamUserClient 3.6.8

|IO!BSerialManager 7.0.4f6

>!AMCCSControl 1.11

>AGPM 111.4.4

>!APlatformEnabler 2.7.0d0

>X86PlatformShim 1.0.0

>pmtelemetry 1

>!A!IKBLGraphics 14.0.5

>AudioAUUC 1.70

@Dont_Steal_Mac_OS_X 7.0.0

>BridgeAudioCommunication 6.70.3

>ACPI_SMC_PlatformPlugin 1.0.0

>!AThunderboltIP 3.1.4

>!AFIVRDriver 4.1.0

>!ABridgeAudio!C 6.70.3

>!AGFXHDA 100.1.426

>!A!ICFLGraphicsFramebuffer 14.0.5

>!AAVEBridge 6.1

>!A!IPCHPMC 2.0.1

>!A!ISlowAdaptiveClocking 4.0.0

>PioneerSuperDrive 489.101.1

>!UODD 489.101.1

|SCSITaskUserClient 422.101.1

>BCMWLANFirmware4355.Hashstore 1

>BCMWLANFirmware4364.Hashstore 1

>BCMWLANFirmware4377.Hashstore 1

>!AFileSystemDriver 3.0.1

@filesystems.hfs.kext 522.100.5

@BootCache 40

@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeDataless 1.0.0d1

@!AFSCompression.!AFSCompressionTypeZlib 1.0.0

>!AVirtIO 1.0

>!ASDXC 1.7.7

|!ABCM5701Ethernet 10.3.5

>!ABCMWLANBusInterfacePCIe 1

@filesystems.apfs 1412.101.1

@private.KextAudit 1.0

>!AACPIButtons 6.1



>!AAPIC 1.7

$!AImage4 1

@nke.applicationfirewall 303

$TMSafetyNet 8

@!ASystemPolicy 2.0.0

|EndpointSecurity 1

>!AGraphicsControl 5.1.16

@kext.triggers 1.0

|IOAVB!F 840.3

>!ASSE 1.0

>!ASMBus!C 1.0.18d1

>!AHDA!C 283.15

|IOHDA!F 283.15

>IOPlatformPluginLegacy 1.0.0

@!AGPUWrangler 5.1.16

|IONDRVSupport 575.1

>!UAudio 322.2

>!ASMBusPCI 1.0.14d1

|IO!BHost!CUARTTransport 7.0.4f6

|IO!BHost!CTransport 7.0.4f6

>!A!ILpssUARTv1 3.0.60

>!A!ILpssUARTCommon 3.0.60

>!AOnboardSerial 1.0

@!AGraphicsDeviceControl 5.1.16

|IOAccelerator!F2 438.4.5

|IOGraphics!F 575.1

>X86PlatformPlugin 1.0.0

>IOPlatformPlugin!F 6.0.0d8

>!AThunderboltEDMSink 4.2.3

>!AThunderboltDPOutAdapter 6.2.6

|IOSlowAdaptiveClocking!F 1.0.0

@plugin.IOgPTPPlugin 840.3

>usb.IOUSBHostHIDDevice 1.2

|IOSCSIMultimediaCommandsDevice 422.101.1

|IOBD!S!F 1.8

|IODVD!S!F 1.8

|IOCD!S!F 1.8

>usb.!UHub 1.2

>usb.cdc.ecm 5.0.0

>usb.cdc.ncm 5.0.0

>usb.cdc 5.0.0

>usb.networking 5.0.0

>usb.!UHostCompositeDevice 1.2

|IOSurface 269.11

@filesystems.hfs.encodings.kext 1

|IOAudio!F 300.2

@vecLib.kext 1.2.0

|IOEthernetAVB!C 1.1.0

>!ABCMWLANCore 1.0.0

>mDNSOffloadUserClient 1.0.1b8

>IOImageLoader 1.0.0

|IOSerial!F 11

|IO80211!FV2 1200.12.2b1

>corecapture 1.0.4

|IOSkywalk!F 1

>!AThunderboltPCIDownAdapter 2.5.4

>!AThunderboltDPInAdapter 6.2.6

>!AThunderboltDPAdapter!F 6.2.6

>!AHPM 3.4.4

>!A!ILpssI2C!C 3.0.60

>!A!ILpssDmac 3.0.60

>!A!ILpssI2C 3.0.60

>!AXsanScheme 3

>!AThunderboltNHI 5.8.6

|IOThunderbolt!F 7.6.0

>usb.!UVHCIBCE 1.2

>usb.!UVHCI 1.2

>usb.!UVHCICommonBCE 1.0

>usb.!UVHCICommon 1.0

>!AEffaceableNOR 1.0

|IOBufferCopy!C 1.1.0

|IOBufferCopyEngine!F 1

|IONVMe!F 2.1.0

>usb.!UHostPacketFilter 1.0

|IOUSB!F 900.4.2

>usb.!UXHCIPCI 1.2

>usb.!UXHCI 1.2


>!AEFIRuntime 2.1


|IOSMBus!F 1.1

|IOHID!F 2.0.0

$quarantine 4

$sandbox 300.0

@kext.!AMatch 1.0.0d1

>!AKeyStore 2

>!UTDM 489.101.1

|IOSCSIBlockCommandsDevice 422.101.1

>!ACredentialManager 1.0

>KernelRelayHost 1

>!ASEPManager 1.0.1

>IOSlaveProcessor 1

>!AFDEKeyStore 28.30

>!AEffaceable!S 1.0

>!AMobileFileIntegrity 1.0.5

@kext.CoreTrust 1

|CoreAnalytics!F 1

|IOTimeSync!F 840.3

|IONetworking!F 3.4

>DiskImages 493.0.0

|IO!B!F 7.0.4f6

|IO!BPacketLogger 7.0.4f6

|IOUSBMass!SDriver 157.101.3

|IOSCSIArchitectureModel!F 422.101.1

|IO!S!F 2.1

|IOUSBHost!F 1.2

>usb.!UCommon 1.0

>!UHostMergeProperties 1.2

>!ABusPower!C 1.0

|IOReport!F 47

>!AACPIPlatform 6.1

>!ASMC 3.1.9

>watchdog 1

|IOPCI!F 2.9


@kec.pthread 1

@kec.corecrypto 1.0

@kec.Libm 1


CPU Machine Check Architecture Error Dump (CPU: UNKNOWN, CPUID: 0x80000009000906EA)

Core: 0






@danielbr - Did you try checking the SO-DIMM's?


thnx Dan - what do you mean on checking the Dimms?


update - i downlaoded amphetamine to keep the computer open and it hasnt rebooted for over 10 hours now...im turning on the screensaver to see what happens





Sounds like you got a bad SO-DIMM or the wrong ones. You’ll need to open the system up and take one SO-DIMM out then give the system a good run through is it stable? If not swap out the SO-DIMM’s and test again. If its still unstable use the other slot trying one SO-DIMM’s at a time.

What did you discover?


得分 1


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