
2.4GHz, 2.7GHz, or 2.8GHz quad-core Intel Core i7 processor (Turbo Boost up to 3.8GHz) with 6MB shared L3 cache. Released February 2013.

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Power / screen issues (No power to lid)?

My laptop, a 2013 Macbook Pro 15’ has been acting weird, and I am not quite sure what the issue is. I will timeline the events below.

Monday: I woke up and my laptop was quite hot. Checked it was sleeping and went to work. All was fine.

Tuesday: I woke up, hot laptop, so I made sure it was asleep when I left for work, and went on my way. Got home, dead battery. It must have woken and stated doing things and died. Plugged it in and started working fine.

Wednesday: Decided to check it before work. The display wouldn’t turn on at all, but it had a boot chime and the fans kicked in. There was also no light behind the Apple logo. Pure black screen. I tried numerous times to PRAM and SMC reset the thing, but that didn’t work. No video output when it is not displaying the screen or light either. I took it into a service place we use for work, they tested it and on the following Monday when I got it back they said the battery was needing replacing (which I knew, but was being lazy and not doing until I absolutely needed to). Other than the battery needing replacing, they said it ran fine. I tried to turn it on in the shop when I got it back and it was still playing up, no screen or Apple light. I showed them, they had another look and they said that it was probably a lid / screen replacement as well. I didn’t want them to do the battery because I can do that, and I said no to the lid replacement because it was going to be around 1k NZD (parts and labor).

Monday: I took it home and was starting to look for Macbooks to replace mine and decided to try turn mine on. It magically turned on. I took this opportunity to get my data off it. I let it run all night and it ran fine, not getting hot or anything.

Tuesday: Took it to work, started it, and nothing. Same issue, fans on and no screen / Apple logo light. Took it home, and it powered on in the evening fine. I downloaded Mojave, wiped the drive and did a fresh install. It was running fine all night, and into the next day.

Wednesday: I restarted it numerous times to test it and it was all looking positive. I tried it a bit before lunch, back to being problematic.

I have ordered a new battery for it anyways, and will do the swap, but does anyone have any clue why it’s doing what it’s doing, and how to fix it? I really don’t want to have to buy a new laptop if I can avoid it, nor do I want to spend thousands on a 2013 MBP, but I also don’t want to have to get a new laptop. Also, what are the MBPs worth as parts? If I need a new one, I will sell this one as-is for parts.


Thanks for reading and in advance for answers!

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This does not sound good ;-{

You may want to cancel the battery as your logic board has major problems!

The clue I’m basing this on is the fact the logo was lit but the display was black!


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I am not sure if it is, because the logo and screen are both either on, or off. It isn't one or the other which I find to be weird. Could it be the top case (screen etc) since the screen and lightseither work or don't?


The backlight control is on the main logic board, the LED's within the display are powered by this logic.

The Logo is lit by the backlight unit the displays LCD is not allowing the light out. If you go into a dark room you can see some light leaking out from the front. Keep in mind the LCD is a light valve letting light out or not at discreet locations (pixel). Heres a great teardown on what your display looks like internally MacBook Pro Retina Display Teardown.

Sorry, you don't have a lid issue you have a logic board issue.


Well I guess that that settles that. Battery is already on the way but I will just sell it with the laptop. How much would it be worth in parts? Screen, case etc? Is it worth much? Thanks anyways!


@darkchief1 - If the case and the display are in good shape it might be worth fixing! This is your chance to upgrade to more RAM and/or a better CPU!

Replacing the logic board is not overly hard in this series:

MacBook Pro 15" Logic Board, 2.4GHz i7 16GB, Apple P/N 661-7384 $540 exchange

MacBook Pro 15" Logic Board, 2.7GHz i7 16GB, Apple P/N 661-7386 $572 exchange

Still cheaper than a new system!




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