
The Dell Inspiron 15-3543 was released as a part of Dell's 3000 series in December 2014. It can be identified by model number: i3543. For information on how to find your model number, refer to the "Background and Identification" section on this page.

11 个问题 查看全部

Why is it incredibly slow all of sudden.

I have had this laptop for a little over a year since i have replaced the hard drive and installed a fresh copy of windows 10 Professional. This is mainly my workspace for school and other activities i wish to do. I have cleaned and scanned and even restarted it. Still i have had the worst of luck with this computer.

I have replaced the keyboard fan ram, i want a new one but being 15 is hard nobody hires until 16 when maturity really sits in.

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Is it freezing?


My advice would be to open the task manager and see what is going on on the Performance tab, I know people that have upgraded to SSD's and extra ram, but it is the processor which is causing the lag


yeah its a core i3 its the hardrive its making ear clutching sounds.





Hi @iphonehater1 ,

If the HDD is making that kind of noise, I suggest that you backup all your data before the HDD fails completely and then replace it with a SSD

If the HDD is just thrashing about looking for data that is is not good either so check if the drive has been defragmented lately. It should be an automatic process in Win10 but you never know.

Open Windows Explorer, right click on C: drive entry > Properties > Tools > Optimize and defragment drives


得分 2


alright i will take a gander at it later thanks!




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