
任天堂 Switch 是一款可以通过扩展坞在电视和路上玩的游戏掌机。发布于2017年3月3日。

20 个问题 查看全部

Right joycon not connecting when wireless

My right joycon works fine when connected to the Switch, but it does not work wirelessly - the lights on the joycon go back and forth as if looking for something but nothing happens. I don’t think this is an antenna issue because the joycon doesn’t even work when held very near to the console (I was told bluetooth can work without antennas if it’s a very short distance). I don’t think it’s a battery issue either because the battery appears to be full and the lights on the joycon work. Any idea how to troubleshoot this? I would really appreciate it!

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I have two pairs of joycons, the left side works fine, but both of the right side stopped connecting wirelessly after the latest Switch update. I'm in Thailand so I called the local authorized Nintendo repair center and they said there has been several claim cases of the right joycon not being able to connect wirelessly. They said that they didn't investigate whether the cause of the problem started occurring after the update or not, they simply tested the joycon and gave the customer a new replacement unit that worked fine. Since my warranty already expired, they could not offer me replacement, instead they suggested I emailed directly to Nintendo Japan (sp-support@nintendo.co.jp) to report this issue. Maybe if there is enough emails bashing them, they could quickly release a new update that will fix this problem.





Hello! I had this same issue. A vital question is: have you done work on this joycon before? (Probably replacing the joystick?) If you have, or even if it has taken a fall or two and you don't mind opening up your controller to poke around, there is a fix that I've found. So, I have replaced a couple of left joycon sticks, because they notoriously suck, and I had to replace my right joycon one later on. I had done the left ones fine so I was cocky and went straight into the right on. There is a key difference though that I didn't notice until I started having connectivity issues: there is a part on the battery chasis on the right joycon that is not on the left. The part is a little plastic chip on the charging side, parallel to the battery. This chip is attached to a curved metal looking bar that has a button node on the end. This button node had come undone without me noticing it even existed when I was pulling the controller apart to put in a new joystick. It took some work to get the button plugged back in (very small, didn't want to use metal tweezers), but once I did and put it all back together, it worked like brand new!!). Now, I don't know for sure that this was the problem, I haven't looked at a schematic for the controller or anything and I don't know what that button node is, but it was unplugged, and the connection issue happened right after I fixed the joystick and when I plugged it back in, the controller connected at a distance with no problem…so I think that it's worth a try for ya. Best of luck!


得分 8


Same issue here. Stumbled over your post and fixed my joycon with your explanation. You are my hero of the day.


Hello! I am facing the same issue but I cant find the little plastic chip mentioned. Could you please point out where it is? Something like colour, shape etc would be helpful! I can send you a photo of my joy con interior if that's better? My email address is mattlyons995@gmail.com. I cant afford to buy a new pair of joycons just because I broke it while trying to fix the joystick :(

Thank you very much!


You are my angel! It took me a second to find it. I attached it, and all better. Thank you.


Hello, could you provide further detail on this? After replacing the joystick on my righ joycon I am facing this exact issue!


If I'm not mistaking, you're actually talking about the antenna. It's a little square chip that slides right next to the battery - the wire then fits in a groove around the battery, until it connects to the motherboard. There is no locking mechanism, and it just pops on or off. Unfortunately, mine is still connected, but I hope other commenters were able to find this piece.




on the part where the joycon slides on, there is a button, if you press the button on both joycons, then slide them on for about 7 seconds, then slide them back off, press the button on the joycons again, and they should sync up.


得分 2


I've tried it just now but unfortunately it doesn't seem to change anything. Thank you for replying!


i will do more research, and get back to you as soon as possible


You da man/woman! This fixed it for my left joycon. Thanks



You may need to replace the wifi antenna next to the battery


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