
A1708/EMC 3164—于2017年6月上市,这台入门级MacBook Pro保留了它的传统功能键(相对于OLED触控条)。

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Will #flexgate reoccur after the first repair?

4-5 months have passed since my Mac started showing symptoms of flexgate. I have made up my mind to pay around $600 to apple service center and repair my mac’s display. But, my question is will this issue reoccur after another 1.5 to 2 years with regular usage ? Or will Apple replace my mac’s display with a display assembly which have a flex cable 2 mm longer than the previous one so that the issue would have less chances of occurring after 1.5 to 2 years ?

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Good question!

Assuming you get the newer longer cable display I’m suspecting you’ll be fine. So that gets into who repairs your system! I would make sure Apple does the work here, and make sure you keep your paperwork.

As far as your systems lifespan thats tricky! So far the 2016 ~ 2018 models don’t have a good record in my option. You’re likely to encounter other issues before your displays backlight fails again.


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