
在2017年6月,Apple更新了13寸的MacBookair,他换上了更新更好的Intel Core i5处理器,让性能和电池续航时间提高。

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Why does my Mac switch off automatically and then work fine later?

I’ve had my laptop for a little over a year now. Haven’t really had any issues until the last couple of months. I was traveling with my laptop and once I came back home, it refused to switch on. I left it alone for 2 days, and it started working again miraculously. The same thing happened yesterday. I had left my otherwise normal functioning laptop at home, and came back to a dead laptop that wouldn’t start. I left it overnight and it switched on. Once I was done with my work, I switched it off, and the same issue happened. Now after leaving it alone fo a while, it has switched on again.I’m scared to switch it off in case it goes dead again. What exactly is the issue here? Has anyone else faced this.

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Did you find any solution please??





I went to a repair shop, and they said they found moisture on the logic board. They cleaned the logic board & it is working now.


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You talk about having it just over a year did you buy it used?

It sounds like your power switch is damaged. Did you have a liquid spill? If you bought it used it might have been the previous owner. What is your warranty coverage? If you have AppleCare + or live in Europe you have coverage for two years. I would see if you can get it fixed under warranty.

Update (07/21/2019)

At this point the easiest way to fix this is to replace the uppercase MacBook Air 13" (Mid 2013-2017) Upper Case with Keyboard and here’s the guide MacBook Air 13" Early 2015 Upper Case Replacement

You could also replace the discreet keyboard which is a bit cheaper but given the amount of work I would recommened sticking with the uppercase replacement if you’ve never replaced the keyboard before.

MacBook Air 13" (Mid 2013-2017) Upper Case with Keyboard图片


MacBook Air 13" (Mid 2013-2017) Upper Case with Keyboard



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Hey Dan, I bought it brand new from amazon, so no, it isn't used. And I am based out of India, and here we have a 1 year warranty plan, so it isn't within the warranty period anymore unfortunately. There hasn't been any liquid spill either, so it is a bit strange as to why my laptop keeps doing this. :(




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