
24英寸显示器,内置iSight 摄像头,麦克风和扬声器。 1920*1200分辨率。 发布于2008年10月 型号为A1267

84 个问题 查看全部

Black Screen (common problem). Do you see anything wrong?

So I have the same problem as all of the other ones here. Blackscreen on the LED cinema display, but I do have audio and my Mac does recognizes the display.

I disassembled it to see what went wrong. Does someone here see something wrong with these parts? I don’t see it.

I know this will not be a 100% confirm of the problem but hey, maybe you see it!

I also noticed the ‘smudge’ on the backside..

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回答此问题 我也有这个问题


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Your logic board does in fact have damage! I’ve marked the area here

Block Image

The insulator helps in pinpointing the area. Using a little image magic we can see how the areas line up

Block Image

This is heat damage and you really need to replace the part as trying to fix this board will be very iffy as I’m sure the laminations are damaged.

Logic board 24" Alu LED Cinema Display Logic Board Apple P/N 661-4823


得分 2


Ah thank you so much! Did not see that myself. I did order it, on aliexpress! Will update here if it worked. Thank u!


hey, did it work?? I'm having the same issue and want to know if I should just replace the logic board


@RAUF ALI - I'm sure it did as the board had clear damage!

Sadly, many people sort of forget to return to give us any feedback on either the success or failure.




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