
LTE-enabled variant of the fifth generation of iPad, released in March 2017. Available with 32 and 128 GB storage options featuring a 9.7" Retina display and 64-bit A9 processor.

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What to do with the digitizer flap when re-assembling

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My question is regarding step 31 of the iFixit front panel replacement:

iPad 5 LTE Front Panel Assembly Replacement

And it appears that another person had a similar question at this point, with their question left unanswered.

Here’s my question:

The “hinge” part of the digitizer cables (the flap portion) looks like it is supposed to tuck into the crevice between the LCD panel and the side of the aluminum body - my replacement (from iFixit) has sticky contact on the upper side of this flap, making me think that its supposed to adhere to the side of the LCD panel, but the instructions do not make this clear - is my assumption correct?

I’ve attached a picture of the area in question.

Thank you for any response to my query.



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This is how the flex should be positioned prior to final assembly.

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Some suppliers fold it over and adhere it to the digitizer beforehand while others let you do it yourself. It’s hard to say from your picture as it is not clear enough. If you have to adhere it yourself, keep in mind that the flex (the portion with the connectors) has to do an inside-out for it to be positioned properly.

Also, check out this answer (After doing my repairs (battery and screen) I have problems) I provided earlier for some general “best practices” on iPad re-assembly.


得分 4


Hello Minho,

Thanks (again) for such invaluable information - I wound up adhering the flap to the underside of the digitizer-i noticed this was done on the original OEM front panel and I simply emulated the procedure - it only stayed completely in place once the iPad was completely assembled.

Thanks again,





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