
Weirdest problem: laptop screen blacks out only when plugged in

My laptop has always done this: when I boot it up with it connected to its AC adapter, I can hear the fan start up and it makes all the “normal" sounds indicating it's starting up, but the screen is completely black. When it's NOT plugged into the AC adapter and I hit the power button, there's no problem.

It's really annoying because let's say I've got my laptop charging, and then I decide to start it up - If I hit the power button BEFORE remembering to unplug it first from its adapter, then it starts up with the screen all black. If I do this, I've found that I can just reboot by holding down the power button for about 5 seconds (without it plugged in), and then everything is normal. But it's a frigging hassle going through all this.

WTF kind of problem is this?!

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Hi @yeeshthesenames ,

What OS is installed in the laptop?

Do you get the manufacturer's logo splash screen on startup with the charger connected?

Have you tried resetting the display power options in Control Panel > Power Options > Advanced power settings > display to see if this changes anything in case the settings are corrupted etc?

Try starting the laptop in "safe mode" (check online for your OS on how to do it) and see if the same problem occurs.

If it doesn't then it most probably is a driver problem


Hey @jayeff,

Thanks for your response! It's running Windows 7, and no, the manufacturer's logo doesn't pop up when I first boot up, if it's plugged in. Just blackness. I've tooled around with the display options in the past, but that never helped. But I have not tried booting up in safe mode, so I'll give that a shot.

Thanks a lot for your help!


Hi @yeeshthesenames ,

What is the model number of the laptop?

Have you checked in BIOS whether there is an option to enable/disable the "splash" screen (manufacturer's logo) on startup?

From memory on some older Samsung laptops, if you disable "Fast Startup" in BIOS it may be restored, but not 100% sure of this and it will slow down the boot process as some POST functions are now re-implemented such as being able to boot from a USB drive (if desired) as the USB port is now checked for a bootable drive.




HI, I am not into computers at all, however, my friend had a prob, tho not the same, and he found that the charger was not the correct one. He got it second hand and had weird probs. but all was solved with the correct charger.

Just a thought, Pete.


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