
The Razer Blade Stealth are a line of premium Ultrabooks by Razer. The latest model is the Razer Blade Stealth (2019)

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Why does my screen flicker every couple of seconds?

I have a Razer Blade Stealth late 2016 12.5” 4k i7 7500u. It flickers off and on, on the display every so often. I contacted Razer support and they said it was some graphic drivers that I was missing. I installed all the Intel 620 graphic drivers and it still keeps flickering. I isolated the issue by plugging in an external display and everything seemed fine. No flicker, everything was running flawless. My warranty already expired so I am trying to find solutions on how to fix this.

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+1 for a detailed question with the performed troubleshooting.


Old thread, but I discovered the screen flickers only when there is a Windows update waiting to be installed.





just change the faulty wifi module. it will fix your problem. just put some intel wifi adapter

Update (07/09/2019)

just change the faulty killer wifi module to some regular wifi module. its a hrdware issue that is caused by the wireless adapter. intel should be fine but the stock killerwifi is whats causing the


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I'm definitely going to try this. Any m.2 WiFi card recommendations?



Normally flickering is caused by a faulty LCD cable, so that’s where I would start as that is the cheapest solution. Since the screen works on an external display, it’s not likely the motherboard, so we can rule that out for now. If the LCD cable doesn’t work, you can try replacing the LCD screen as well.


得分 3


Ah I see. Well to add to this, I did rollback to the initial display driver just barely, that is on the Razer Website for this model and the flickering has completely stopped. Would it still be due to a fault in the LCD display or is it the driver itself?


If rolling the driver back fixed the issue, then I would say it's likely a driver issue. You can try to push the monitor back and fourth and see if it flickers. If it does, it's the LCD cable for sure.


Hi where can I buy these I have a similar issue but with a razser book



I have finally found the answer! I changed my wifi driver to an intel dual band 7265. I attempted to install the drivers and tried to get it to connect. Unfortunately, I don’t think it was compatible with my system. I then clean booted my computer and restarted. Link to clean boot tutorial: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help.... I then uninstalled all of the Killer Wifi and Bluetooth drivers. That’s right all of them using Revo Uninstaller. I then reinstalled the m.2 Killer wifi module and the flickering stopped. My system automatically recognized it and it is able to use wifi and Bluetooth without the drivers. If you have this problem, its the Killer wifi/bluetooth software that caused it.


得分 1


I was having the same problem and was already resigned to live with it because my warranty expired as well. Thank you for sharing your solution! So far, I have not noticed any more screen flickering.


I swapped the killer NIC for an intel 7260, im pretty sure i uninstalled the killer driver, and i am still getting screen flickering.




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