
2018年7月发布,15英寸 MacBook Pro,型号 A1989,拥有True Tone技术的LED背光15.4英寸显示器,最高6核心的酷睿 i7 处理器。

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Why is black screen after replace it?

Replaced the screen on my Mac Pro 2018 and it starts working, but after reboot the laptop black screen! If connect laptop through hdmi to external monitor, screen starts working and will work till I reboot the laptop! What can be the problem?

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Why did you replace the display?


Replaced because of glass on display has small crack, but old one works fine!


Is it possible that model of display is not compatible, my laptop is 2.9 ghz and donor is 2.6 ghz!?


Is the donor also a 2018 model?


Yes, also 2018!






The reason you may not see anything on the new screen is because apple locked down the screen replacement, so if the computer sees a screen it does not recognize and is not programmed to the logic board it will disable the screen. There is no way that I know of to make it where the screen is programmed to the board, and I doubt apple will do it.


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So how come his old screen still works on the "doner's" mac?


What is the MacOS release on the systems are they different? Apple may have altered the systems firmware during the update process which enabled the sub assembly security feature.


Can you unlock lockdown the screen replacement? I have the same issue the only difference, initially, my screen was replaced by an authorized dealer and apple gave me a hard time but they did something it unlock the screen. It work 4 months but after the battery died returned to the same issue.


@Mustafa Bayramov - Sorry for not catching this sooner.

There is no lock/unlock within the display assembly. Depending on the source of the part it will be virgin or used.

A virgin part needs calibration (Apples term) which is just loading some firmware onto the display for color correction with TrueTone services. Once that has happened the display is set for life.

With a used display the calibration has already been done and the screen can be used in another system without issue at least in this series. The newer M Series systems are a bit different!

I suspect there is something else going on here. Take a flashlight place it on the screen at a sharp angle are you able to see a faint image of your desktop any icons?



My 13" MacBook Pro wouldn't do anything after a screen replacement till I plugged it in even though it had a fully charged battery. Try this before having a heart attack or tearing it back apart


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I have a similar issue. My son replaced the screen with an authorized dealer. Initially, Apple folks told me that the service center my son went to only allowed to repair iPhone and ipad.. long story short, Apple did something and booted the same system with the same screen. It worked for four months, but when the battery died, my son didn't use it for a 4-month device; it was back to the same issue. My guess is you need to do something. They run some checks on a system with a T2 system. Based on the fact that it did work, I assume Apple uses tool that disables that check.


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Sorry you’ve had a dickens of a time getting your system serviced. While Apple has been ramping up locking things down the 2018 systems are not locked in a way to prevent using a different display assembly (used) but is unlabeled to use a virgin unit as the display it’s self needs calibration (Apples term) what it really going on is the raw display needs to be programmed for TrueColor. But once done it’s good!

So what is happening in your case? I would plug in an external display to see it that worked (the internal needs to be shut to enable the external).

If that does work then your internal display needs replacing as a common issue is the T-CON board over heats and fails. Often times this is related to the cooling system not being able to shed the heat build up either due to dust buildup or the vents are blocked by bedding or other soft materials. Also heavy use can pump up the heat. I strongly recommend getting a good thermal monitoring app like TG Pro to both monitor and ramp up the fans.


@danj, it does work with an external display, and when the lid opens, it shows both in the system. Why does OS detect built-in LCD? I assume it should not if tcon is dead. I check the board on a microscope and don't see any issue with it. Cross-check both black going cables also; no bents or breaks. If I disconnect the main video cable from the motherboard's initial BIOS or whatever apple calls, it detects no display attached and output video to an external port. Same when I plug it back into a logic board.

The reason I'm asking is that I want to order a new display and replace it, but I'm 100 sure that it will work if I just order. Apple really made this complicated for no reason at all.


@Mustafa Bayramov - To be clear the internal display becomes alive when the external is plugged in, you see your desktop and its icons within it?

Does the internal stay alive after you disconnect the external? And if you close the lid give it a few minutes and open the lid again is it still working?


Hi Dan, thank you very much for checking my post; very much appreciated. No internal display, always a black screen. When I connect a cable to an external monitor, I can choose in the touch bar mirror or extend it. If the lid is open, OS believes that internal and external are attached. (hardware property shows internal display, apple diagnostic show no error)

So I see all properties of the internal display, but it is a black screen.

If I close a lid, it switches to external.

if I disconnect the cable from the logic board, I press a key on the external keyboard, and it switches on display or EFI boot directly and sends to external.

If I boot a system with a disconnected cable from the logic board and attach it live back, the os sees the internal display attached.

If I boot, I see both displays attached; if I close a lid os shows a single external display attached. If Open, it shows two.

I don't think it is a hardware issue. I think apple really runs some checks on the T2 system, or it may be related to integrated GPU and Intel. Since this system has two GPUs. (the intel chipset one and AMD)


@Mustafa Bayramov - I think your displays backlight logic is the issue here. Take a flashlight place it on the screen at a sharp angle are you able to see a faint image of your desktop any icons?




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