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Usb port not working

Power is showing in tester but usb not workin error is

Your usb exeedin power limit

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are you getting any error in your laptop screen or its not working completly and current is still there


Power is coming in usb wich can show by tester but when i connect anny device in usb its not working.




Hi there,

Under some computers, USB devices are only allowed to draw a maximum of 500 milliamps (mA) per connection from the USB port on the computer system or from a USB hub. If a device attempts to draw more than that (500 milliamps), a USB port balloon message is displayed to indicate this over current condition. When connecting a USB device that draws power from the USB bus, a very brief over current condition is sometimes detected by the OS, and then the error message is displayed.

This message has no affect on the functionality of the USB port. The USB hard drive should still function correctly on the USB port regardless of the error message. In case of any data loss, you may use third party tool like MiniTool Power Data Recovery to get lost data back from the USB.

To prevent the USB Power Surge Alert message from displaying, please complete the following steps:

On Windows 10 / 8 / 7 and Vista

  1. Click on Start.
  2. Click on Control Panel.
  3. Double-click on the System and Security Icon.
  4. Under the System section, click on Device Manager.
  5. Expand Universal Serial Bus Controllers by clicking on the arrow to the left-side of it.
  6. Right-click on any listing that displays USB Enhanced Host Controller, and select Properties .
  7. Click on the Advanced Tab.
  8. Check the box that says: Don't tell me about USB errors and click Ok.

Let me know if the method works, thank you!


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