
The third generation of the Samsung Galaxy Note phablet series released September 25, 2013. Identifiable by the model number N9005.

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My phone dropped down from 7th floor and broke compeletly. How recover

My galaxy note 3 dropped down from 7th floor and compeletely broke. I tried to switch it on but nothing happened . I connected it to my laptop but nothing happend . I plugged in it to charger but nothing happened again. When i press button down nothing happen.

My main concern is the first four months of my daughter's life in video and photo stored on the phone's internal storage (android "phone memory"). I know, I should have backed it up, but I have two in diapers so best practice sometimes falls by the wayside. I did not have automatic upload set up via dropbox or google.

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Can you take the memory card out of the phone? If so, take it out and put it in your laptop’s card slot, you may need a memory card adaptor if it is a ‘micro’ SD card to bump it up to the right size for your computer’s card slot.

There’s a chance your photos are on there.


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The files are in internal storage not in micro sd card


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