
任天堂 Switch 是一款可以通过扩展坞在电视和路上玩的游戏掌机。发布于2017年3月3日。

20 个问题 查看全部

Backlit screen but no display.

I recently replaced my switch LCD and digitizer. I had swapped out digitizers and everything worked great. A few days later I received my replacement LCD and took it apart for a second time to replace that. When turning on the console the backlight comes on and the screen stays lit but no display is shown. When docked it works perfectly fine the problem only arises in handheld mode. Any help would be appreciated!

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I have the exact problem, I couldn't found answer changed screen twice without success.

The touch screen still function correctly.


I have this same problem and there's still no answer to this?? This question was asked over 2 years ago. Does the lcd need to be replaced or is it the connection on the motherboard? Can anyone help?!


Your LCD motherboard facing a problem that's why it can't connect to the main screen.


So how do you fix that?





Did you check the cables/flex if properly connected?


得分 1

I had the same problem with my Nintendo Switch. Try this remove the ribbon cable from the game card slot that is connected on the left hand side. Next grab some rubbing alcohol and clean the ribbon cable and the pins with the alcohol. (Careful not to use too much of the alcohol as you might get the LCD screen or other components burnt). Last reconnect the ribbon cable back into the slot and turn on the system. This is what I did to my switch not 100% sure if it will work with all Switch's.


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One of the biggest fixes that I’ve been seeing around is simply disconnecting the Joy-Cons and plugging up your usb-c charger to give it a direct charge. Doing this allows the switch to be directly charged without any interruptions from the Joy-Cons. A lot of people report problems with charging with the Joy-Cons plugged up. There’s been a shockingly huge amount of people that has used this method to bring life back to their Switches. Also remember to use either your original usb-c charger or a certified aftermarket one. Make sure to give it enough time to charge as well. A seriously dead Switch can take many hours to even turn on. Good luck.


得分 0

I'm ten yrs old and I cannot fix my switch it went fine for 2yrs but shemicro SD card with 256gb storage. Popping out I put back in all the way and then when I turned it on its blacked out is started 3 days ago pls help me


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