Power button not working as it should...

Just bought a used vita from a friend and recently the power button seems to act up in what seems like a rare case? I have not been able to find any one talking about a similar situation. When I charge my Vita, it takes the charge normally, and holds it just as it should. Accept that it seems to act like someone is holding down the power button randomly. After it powering on it will stay on and then standby and wake up a couple times and occasionally the power off menu screen will show up and it will just turn off, but then power back on a repeat till dead.

I feel as if the power button could be broken, and will buy a new one just in case. I unfortunately can not open the case and unplug it while its on because the Vita has a case open switch.

I will update on the status of the switch change out to see if that will fix it.

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