
Google公司发布的二代Pixel XL版本,发布于2017年10月19日。配备6英寸圆角P-OLED显示屏。纯黑和黑白两种颜色及64GB或128GB存储空间可选。

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Problems with the Google Pixel 2 XL screen cracking at microphone?

Hey Guys,

Anyone else having issues with the durability of the Google Pixel 2 XL screen? I had mine in an otter box, with a screen protector on, in it's OWN pocket of a purse (an isolated leather pocket on the front of the purse, meaning there was a layer of leather between it and my wallet and sunglasses case inside the purse. No keys or anything else in the purse.) It was on my car seat and the purse fell from the seat to the floor of the car at a slow speed . The screen cracked originating at the corner of the microphone. I feel like this is completely unreasonable. Google is refusing to replace the screen. Any tips?

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I wouldn't be surprised of this happening, you could have coins inside the wallet / purse which could of caused a solid impact on the screen resulting in it cracking.


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No coins, nothing. just a wallet and a sunglasses case and the phone in its own pocket, isolated from the wallet and sunglasses case by leather. No direct contact with anything else.

Its not the quality I would expect considering the price tag. Just wondering if anyone else has had issues.

I've been reading some reviews saying other people had cracks at the microphone just from squeezing to get the google assistant.


You may be right, with a screen curved like that plus the grill hole being close to the edge makes it a weak spot for the glass to crack from even light impacts.



Mine cracked today while in my hand -- no drops. Verizon won't replace it. Some guy named Jules decided I need to have it checked at a YoubreakweFix ...the nearest which is 5.5 hours away to prove it was not my fault.


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I think it is a super poor flimsy phone my sons has broken and cracked 5 times since he has had it with a case on it! I drop my samsung all the time and never a ding. Never again with I get a phone from google. Lesson learned


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My husband and I just travelled from LA to NYC for a week. While in NY, without any drops, impact or other crack-causing situations, both of our phone screens cracked, two days apart; my phone from the right-bottom corner by the microphone and my husband's phone from the top-left corner by the speaker.

These phones are new; bought on May 31st. No drops. Both phones have had screen protectors and sturdy Speck protective cases since they came out of the box (installed from the Verizon retailer).

We can only assume it was the heat or humidity shift that caused both screens to crack.


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No drops, and mine broke on the bottom left area of the microphone. Google did nothing, and this was within a few weeks of owning it. For the record, I have never broke a phone, ever. I keep them in cases, ottorboxes, screenprotectors, the works… This has something to do with the squeeze function, I am assuming, but not sure.


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Both wife and I broke our screen! We've had other phones for years never broke a screen before! Cheap glass! My wife spend $220 to get hers replaced.


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My screen has just cracked by PUTTING A CASE ON. The tiny pressure of popping the bottom left corner of the display into the case cracked the screen. Google completely unhelpful, definitely not buying a pixel again with all these quality control issues. Never broken a phone before.


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