
任天堂 Switch 是一款可以通过扩展坞在电视和路上玩的游戏掌机。发布于2017年3月3日。

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Right joy con not connecting when out of switch.

Yesterday I received shell replacements for my Nintendo switch joy cons. I changed the shell on my left joy con and it works like normal, but when i changed the shell on my right joy con it now only works when it is directly connected to the switch. The second i undock the jot con it dies. Please help

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得分 10

I didn't do anything to my joy cons and they both only work when attached to the Switch directly


I am having this exact same issue. Even when my right joycon is connected to my console it doesn’t show it’s charging. It shows a 🪫 when connected





Most likely, your battery is unplugged or a ribbon cable is lose.

1)Unplug and replug your battery . Now see if it works.

2) Check the joycon rail cables (black sliding latch thing)

These two cables seem to have these properties:

A) This cable is for SL/SR/sync fixing I believe this is needed to Connect Wirelessly

B) this cable comes from the bottom part of the slider where the 'teeth' are on the joycon. This cable seems to be responsible for: Charging and Connecting to the System in Handheld mode

Unplug, replug A first, see if it works, then try B.

Good luck!


得分 4

I’ve seen this issue before. More than likely the battery was not hooked up properly or the wire running from the battery to the motherboard was damaged. The connector for the battery to the motherboard is rather difficult to disconnected and you could have pulled too hard in the wrong direction causing the wire to be damaged.

  1. Inspect that the battery is properly connected by pushing on the connector slightly with a plastic tool. If it does not seem to move and click into place better move onto the next step.
  2. Disconnect the battery completely and look at the spot where the wire connects to the connector and see if it has become disconnected. If it has you will probably need a whole new battery.
  3. There are two exposed connectors on the top of the black connector. If you used a metal tool to push the connector in and you happened to complete the circuit between the two you could have fried the battery. Look for any signs of scorch marks. Again if this has occurred you’ll need a new battery.

It is very important to always use a non-conductive tool when working with a battery to save the possibility of ruining it. Use a plastic Spudger tool for all batteries.

Here is a link to a new battery for the Joy-Con Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Controller Battery

Replace a HAC-006 model battery compatible with a left or right Nintendo Switch Joycon controller. 525 mAh. 1.9 Watt Hours (Wh). 3.7 Volts (V).图片


Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Controller Battery



得分 1


Could he not see if this was the issue by plugging in another joycons battery into his non working one?


Hi, exactly the same issue, joycon only works attached. When out of the console, no lights and no syncing. Battery works fine in right joycon. When attached to the console, it shows no battery level. It seems joycon motherboard not receiveng battery...


I have the same issue as Ciberajj Juas - low/red battery, no charging symbol when connected directly, no lights, no syncing when disconnected.



have you tried chargeing with 3party carger instead on Nintendo switch


得分 0

This is somebody’s same problem with OLED. And what’s this? Jot Con? Change it!


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